Run Away...Keep Running

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I touched the ends of my hair nervously as the man walked towards the door and spoke to someone about clothes and food. "Nala" Every time he said my name I shutter. "Yes" I slowly looked up. He had a bundle of clothes in his hands and tossed them at me. "Get dress" And then he walked out. I quickly scrambled up pull out a white shirt with a wolf on it and a ripped jean jacket and a pair of dark blue skinny jeans. I pulled everything on quickly making sure I looked good. For him? No I didn't said that! Slipping on a pair of vans I walke out of the room into a massive hall. I glanced around as I pulled my blonde hair behind my ear.' I should cut it and change the color.' Thinking to myself as I walked down the hall. I glanced around to see the hall was decked out in the finest decor. Smiling I walked around glancing at all the differen't designs. The hall came to an end.

 Some people came walking out from different rooms. They chattered about the new person around. I took a step back into something or someone. "Oft"I stumbled backward. "Watch it" He said as he stabled me. "Sorry" I turned around to see that beautiful tattooed man. "Yeah, come on" He pushed me forward causing me to fall flat on my face. "Ow! You big oof!" I yelled as I rubbed my nose. He squated down so he was eye level with me and in the coldest voice he said. "Listen, I am dead set alpha until the orninal alpha returns. I demand respect from you and I promise not to let you get eaten alive by these wolves!" He stood up and yanked me up aswell. Glaring at him as he tossed me over his sholder. He stopped suddenly then huffed and walked towards some door. The sound of loud chatter filled my ears. "Don't be rude" He whispered as he walked around. I guess this was the mess hall since their was tons of tables with plates and pots set up in each table bench. He set me down in the chair next to his.

I quickly looked around to see if AO or Clint. "Their not here" He said in a hush tone. "I don't even know your name" I looked down as I fumbled with my fingers. "Chem" I could hear the smile in his voice as he rest his hand on my lap. I smiled a bit. "Chem, thats unusal" I said looking up. "It's short for Chemical" I stared blankely at him. "Seriously?" I asked he only shurgged, "My mom was a junkie never a striaght thinker" He laughed which caused me to laugh as well. 

We spent a while talking about our life stories. Chem had a pretty hard life after his mother died, he been to a billion different schools and jails. "Yeah so after my last trip to the slammer my father put me on a strict detailed assiment." He smiled a bit. This game me time to take all of his image in. Chem was very handsome and kind when he wasn't being a jerk. He dressed in a sweat shirt with a big Domo face on it with a pair of skinny jeans and converses.

"Really? So where's your mate?" I quickly looked around to see which one of these females I had to kill. Ooops! I didn't say that! He chuckled causing me to stare at him. "What?" He kept laughing. Narrowing my eyes at him. "What? What's so funny" I glared at him causing him to stop laughing. "You and your facial expression" He laughed again causing me to blush. "I have no idea what your talking about" I looked away giving my back to him. He stoppped laughing shortly. "Hey, hey i'm sorry but your facial expression are cute" I huffed and kept my back to him, he pulled my closer by my waiste. "Don't be like that" He whispered in my ear causing me to gasp. 

Kissing the back of my neck he rest his head on my shoulder. "Where are they" I whispered finally looking around to see his pack eating and still chatting ingoring us completely. "Down stairs." He pulled away completely. "Don't do that" I turned to him grasping his hand and kissing it. "Once you get them your off to the next place" He thought he  had a point. I smiled and moved forward burshing my lips against his. I strong force washed over me sending tingles all over my body. Chem pressed his lips against mines completely.

 I drowned in his kiss for I dont know how long. Forcefully his slipped his tongue into my mouth dancing around with my own. Sighing soflty I ran my fingers through his hair. Chem lifted me up from my seat onto his lap, caressing my back he broke the kiss leaving his lingering taste in my mouth. I smiled and kissed his nose. "I have to go" He nodded as I stood up he held my hand a moment longer. "Don't.." He whispered as he stood up and walked out the room leading me towards the down stairs room where AO and Clint were staying. 

I ran to the door opening it to see AO and Clint pissed off expression. "Your okay" I smiled embracing AO who chuckled. "I'm always okay" He let me go. "Clint" I walked over to him but he turned away. "You smell like him" I narrowed my eyes at him. Chem stepped inside. "Chem can you leave me and Clint here to talk" I didnt have to turn around to know he nodded as well as AO. "Yeah" Chem said closing the door behind the two Alphas. "Listen to me." I started off walking closer to him. He cut me off so quickly. "No you listen! How do you think I feel to know your prading around in fornt of different men!?" He yelled getting in my face. "YOU! DO you know how I feel to know your banging half of our pack let alone every other we go to! Do you know how much I hurt?" I shouted back. Clint glared at me. "I liked you better when you were innocent and stupid!" Clint spatted.

I sent daggers at him. "AND I LIKED YOU BETTER WHEN I DIDN'T KNOW YOU!" I was hurt beyond understanding. "Your not as tough as these tattoos make you seem! Your still a stupid little pup who needs protection because she cant stay out of trouble!" He yelled back pushing me against the wall. Growling at him I slammed my fist into his face. "I DON'T NEED PROTECTION! AND TO THINK I LIKED YOU! TO EVEN SAY I WANTED TO STAY WITH YOU GUYS UNTIL AO FOUND HIS MATE!" I  yelled opening the door. "I hope you enjoy yourself here because once you leave here! I'M NOT COMING BACK" I slammed the door and ran up the stairs. AO and Chem were standing in the hall talking. I was crying now.

Running past them I dropped my jacket and sprited towards the door. Both males were high on my tail. "Nala! Nala!" They kept screaming as I ran outside into the snowy land scape. Looking around I drop the rest of my clothes and shifted and ran like hell out of there. Howling out my pain as I ran. I heard them behind me.  But a soft voice caused me to stop.

"He's not worth your tears..Nala..come to me" 

!!!~ Okay chapter's up and whatever so do whatever idc.

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