Road Trip!!!!!!!

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Road Trip!!! 

~!! Okay no more dilly dally! These next few chapters are important to the storyline! Due to my lack of attention span I seem to be doing like 30 other things! But I will be making time to upload this story! In honestly This is my favortive story because I love the characters and what not. So help me make this story a big thing kind of like Snowflakes!! :D Please? Pretty Please?! ~!! 

Kelp was home which was kind of werid since he went M.I.A (Missing In Action), over all we're glad to see him when he did come home. "Nala" Kelp said as he walked into the game room. He scared the shit out of me mostly because I wasn't dress...for people to see me. My face turned bright red as Kelp eyes finally met mines. I was laying on my stomach dressed in one of my tight tank top and a pair of extra short volly ball shorts. I'm not  slut or anything but I only dress like this when I just came back from a game and don't feel like changing since it's a waste of time. "I.."I tried to come up with something to say as I got up to walk away. He only sighed and turned away so I could escape. "AO's in the basement" I yelled as I ran to our room to but some pants on. I heard him grunt and move down the steps. 

Slipping into a pair of baggy sweat pants. I knew they were to big for me but I love the way they feel. Moving quickly down the stairs I could see almost everyone in our living looking worry but determeined for worst. AO and Clint were standing besided Kelp and Kelp's Beta Jace. I went to go sit near the second row when Kelp grab my wrist and made me stand between the young boys. Kelp cleared his throat as the last member sat down. "I have been absent for the past two years for personal reasons and bussiness reason. Blaze corp is ..well mangering and it's time that I put the alpha to be and his beta to work." Kelp placed  reasuring hand on AO's shoulder squeezing it lightly. "As for Nala she too will be going into the Blaze corp." He stop as the fellow members started to stir a bit. "Why?" one shouted as a few others nodded. "She's not a real member!" Another shout and there were shouts of agreement. 

I shifted my weight onto my other leg as I looked down. Kelp tried to keep everyone down but they grew louder shouting out my flaws over the last 2 years. I'm no angel but I'm not a devil! I made mistakes and people got hurt, I'm not perfect! "Everyone shut up!" AO shouted causing everyone to stop speaking and turn to him not uttering a word. "Yes she's not member and yes she's one of the worst hunters we ever seen." AO started; I glared at him as he gave me a quick smile. I dont believe in hunting for fun! "And let's not forget how clumsy she is" AO contuined as he patted my head and I growled. " But she showed more trust and loyalty than half of you in here! She help each of you when you need it and now your turning on her screaming she's not a blaze packer?! Who are you to say she isnt? Nobody so shut up and sit down before I hunt you!" AO snarled as he glared at each person who had said something. 

I wanted to hug but punch AO for his insulting speak that was suppose to help me? Whatever Kelp went on with his speach. "Anyway as these three move on to the serious side of this pack. AO as a gift to you I give you full access to go find your mate" Kelp smiled as he watched the shock look on Ao's face. The thing about the Blaze pack is that your not allowed to go find your mate unless you do something useful and prove your right as a wolf and then and only then will you have access the go find your mate if their not amoung the local tribes and in the pack already. "Really?" He asked as he stared at Kelp who was smiling. "Sure am and you get to bring your little group as well."Kelp pointed to both me and Clint before dismissing us from the meeting. "Road trip?" I asked as I stared at the two new travle mates as the room cleared. 

They both nodded and smiled. "Where to?" I asked as we walked towards AO's office. "Hmm..I have no idea" AO sat down in his chair and rest his chin on his knockles. I sat on his desk and crossed my legs. Clint went to sit by the window. "Canda?" Clint asked we all shook our head no. "New York?" AO asked with a hopeful smile. I phyically slap myself which caused both idiots to look at me weird. "We're in New York" I stated in a complete monotone. "Ohhh" They both said nodding in agreement. Dumbasses! I glanced at the picture of a white sandy beach and girls walking on the beach and hot guys surfing. "Hawaii" I shouted as I jumped off the desk. AO smiled and Clint nodded. "WHERE GOING TO HAWAII!" We all shouted as we did one of those corny high fives as we jumpped in the air. Oh yeah we're cool! I smiled as AO went to work on getting us tickets and what not. Clint was working on getting us a Hotel and me I'm going to go pack. And so it was written! 

~~!! Hey I hope you liked this chap because I put alot of thought into it! Plus this is going to be mega awesome! Their going on a road trip! Now if you remember from the last chap Clint and Nala have a small thing and AO is getting more protective over her and we get to see them push it to the limit!! Enjoy the song on the side! Jamie All Over by the lovely Mayday Parade :D Mawh Love you guys!-~~

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