It's All Coming Together Now ...

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I turned around to see a discolored wolf in the distance. It was black but it looked as if someone poured bleach on the head and back of it. I gasped a bit as it walked closer. He nudge me with big wolf head. I went with it and followed his lead. Smiling inwardly I knew who it was. Chem  head butted me slightly causing me to fumble backward. 'Rude ass' was all I could think of as we walked towards the clearing in the woods. Clothes were set in the distance along a log. I ran towards it and changed into a white dress. It was a decent lenght it stop right above my knees. Chem dressed in a pair of jeans and a simple graphic shirt. "Hey" He started as he grab my hand and pulled me closer to him. Resting my head on his chest I sighed inwardly. "He's just so" I huffed causing him to laugh. "You make it seem like he's your mate" Chem laughed bit I could hear the faint hurt and anger in his voice. "He's not my mate thank god!" I smiled as Chem's body relaxed. 

We spent the rest of the evening in each other's arms under the moon light, my inner wolf was competely calm which was odd for me. I glanced up at the sleeping Chem, he was so peaceful when he was sleep. His dark locks fell over his eyes shadowing his face. I could see some of the tattos on his neck. I smiled a bit as his arms tighten around me. Maybe..yeah it's true he's my mate. I reached up to kiss his neck causing him to growl a bit, stirring from his slumber he glared at me for a moment before plucking my nose. Flitching a bit I swatted his face and ran away. We spent to rest of that tender moment. 

Walking back hand in hand I felt a familiar presents, one I really use to fear. Chem smiled as he open the dooor and standing right there in fornt of me was Ray and Travis. I froze in my spot as Chem walked over to the two hugged them exchanging hand shakes and manly hugs. I shifted oddly towards the door on my far right. Ray was the first to notices me sneaking off and with a sly smile he walked over to me wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Long time no see mutt" He spoke venioums words my way. Chem was to busy talking to Travis to notices the verbal beating I was reciving. "Why are you here" He snapped at me causing me to yelp from the sudden pain of my flesh beging twisted oddly. "I ..I" I chocked on my words as tears started to fall.

Ray smirked as he dug his nails into my side causing me to yelp in pain. Just loud in enough to for Chem to hear which he growl protectively as he jerked me away from Ray's evil clutches. "What are you doing?" He barked, his body shook voilently as Ray only smirked and shurgged. "She's just a lost mutt" He pointed to me, looking away I cleantched onto Chem's shirt. He growled a warning. "Back off Ray" Travis warn pushing his partner towards the door. "It's true, they don't even know where she's from. That damn mutt is causing mayham all over the states since .." Ray couldn't get the words out fast enough. Chem had already had the little bastered pinned to the floor snapping his wolf mouth in his face. "Chem come on" I tried to pull him off but that wasn't working. "Back down!" Travis yelled at Ray who was smirking like an idoit and contuited to insult me. I could careless but Chem wanted blood now. 

Dropping to my knees I whispered comforting words into Chem's ear and stroked his damged fur. He growled lowly and backed down and walked off right before he snapped and barked a heavyly hurtful command which made Ray's face fall. I'm not sure what it was all I could hear is Travis voice saying 'I told you' and Ray's scream of terror. 


I wondered the neverending hall to a smoken room. I glared at the smoke not allowing me to see. I heard a faint voice, angicl it was. Smiling to myself I walked towards the center of the room where a circler bed sat. The sheets were a bright ruby red and neatly made up. Sitting on the bed I covered my face with my hands as the sound of heels clicking down the hall. A female figure appeared through the smoke she gigged softly. "AO" She whispered causing my body to shiver. "AO" Her voice was light and danity. I looking up I seen the most beautiful women of me life. She was tall and lean, cury but not fat. She wore a flowing black dress that split down her right thigh. A dangeruosly low V cut on the front of the dress. She pulled her crimson red lips into a flirtious smile. She smelt like...I'm not even sure but it smelt perfect on her. She had shoulder length brown hair that was curled on her shoulders. She walked over to me standing between my legs. Those dangerous green eyes sparkled a bight light. "Your so cold" I whispered touching her hand, I felt a wave of warmth and comfort fall over me.

 I looked up to see her smiling brighter. "Of course I am" She smiled and kissed my cheek. "Your dying love" Her voice tickled my earlobe. "I know. I have to find you" I whispered back. Wrapping my arms around her waist she slowly fell into my lap and hugged me. "Find me" She rest her head on my shoulder. Stroking her soft round face. "Where" I whispered taking in her sweet secent. She giggled. "The Medow, where the trees grow tall and thin. The wheat grow like tall tan soliders passed the river towards the mist garden decored in warm yellow and purple flowers. That's where you'll find me" She smiled and kissed my lips softly. Her presents ingered a moment more before she disappeared comepetely. Frowning I touched my lips, they were still moist. I wasn't dreaming. She was here! I smiled and hurried out of the room looking for Nala and Clint. I found her! I found her! Dear God I found her! But what's her name? Running down the hall I heared her sweet faint laughter in my hair as her voice dirfted telling me "Annabell" Smiling I rushed through the doors to find Chem resting on Nala's lap. 

"Guys I have great news" I smiled as Clint glared at the two. "What's that?" He asked standing up. "I know where my mate is" I watched their faces changed before I knew it I was ambushed with a hug from Nala. 

'I'll find you Annabell just you wait' 

~~!! Okay this is the mark of the new set of events. Those of you who don't remember Ray and Travis they are the bullies that use to bully Nala. And No Ray isn't dead he's just having a spazem. Of course I'll update this later on next week Fair Well all those who's reading this. *Takes bow and leaves* 

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