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Until We Meet..


Clint's P.O.V

I woke up in the back of my truck with the wool blanket draped over me and an addtional pair of legs not my own. I heared a faint groaning next to me. I half sat up half layed down to see Nala's half naked body next to mines, her dark curly hair was tossed on top of her head, her skin was shining as the sun hit it. I mentally smiled as she opened her big brown eyes to see me. She blinked a few times before shotting up covering herself as she moved to the otherside of my truck. "Wh-Who are you?" She asked a bit scared. Holy shit she doesn't remember me! "I'm" I started off but she cut me off. "No thats not what I mean, crap my head hurts. Where are we? Why am I naked? Oh my goodness! Did we?" She asked as she covered her mouth in horror.

I closed my eyes as the images of last night flooded my head. We kissed and we touched each other. I remembered her lustful moans and the way her back arched each time I pleased her. And the way she moaned and yelled my name; I remember my husky moans as she teased me. I remember most of the events but we never went that far. I looked down with my eyes closed as the image of her smiling and laughing. I shook my head no. "No we didn't" I answered her question. She sighed and looked around for her clothes and I did the same.

We dressed and sat out of the truck a bit scared from the events under the moon. She smiled as she pushed off the back of the truck and walked towards me. Seeing her in the sunlight made my heart stop she was like a goddess or something. She jumped on me and kissed my neck. I froze right there as I held her so close to me. "Thanks for last night" She whispered as she slide down and walked over to the passager side and waited for me. I swear this girl is weird! I laughed to myself as I drove us back to the Blaze terriortory before something jumps out and tries to attack us.

A.O's P.o.V

I waited up all night after Lacey, Kim and Brittany left for the night. We had our fun but their father and pack leader order them home. Oh well. I paced the living floor staring at the door to see if she would come home. Why was I worried?! I guess because Clint has a rep around these parts, and it kind of sucks that she left with him and who knows what had happen to them! Clint could have been banging her drunk brains out! I growled as I caught their secnt as they walked towards the door. I'm going to kill them! I made my way towards the door and flung it open to catch them. What the hell!?!

Nala's P.O.V

Clint was a pretty cool guy, he lived here all his life and loved it here so I hear. He also created a rep for himself but I can see the good in him, not that I want to be his bitch (girlfriend) or anything. "Thanks for the um..? Night?" I replied awarkdly as he stood on the stoop in fornt of the door. He smiled as he shoved his fist into his pockets. This is getting corny! What is this some sappy love story? I was about to turn and open the door when Clint grab my waist and pushed me againt the wall.

His hand shot up under my dress before I could protest. His dark eyes lined with lust. "Clint" I whimpered as he inched closer to my neck, softly nibbling on it before I felt his sharp canine teeth graze the side of me neck. No he was going to mark me! What the hell!?

Just then AO flung the door open like a mad man with his blood shot heavy eyes. "What the hell?!" He yelled as he stood in shock. Well it was a pretty shocking sight since I was pushed up againt the wall with my leg hitched up and Clint holding my hitched up leg and his face nuzzled into my neck and the most uncomfable face I could make on my face! "Clint!" AO growled as he tossed Clint to the side and ushered me into the house and closed the door. "I'll deal with you later" He sneered at Clint who was dusting his pants and walking towards his truck. "Whatever Alpha" He shot back as he drove off.

AO sighed and turned to me. "Your something else" He muttered as we walked back towards our room which was kind of expaned since I slept in the bathtub most of the time. Why? I study in the bathtub and pass out there. "What happen last night" He asked as he closed the door, folding his arms across his chest. "Umm? I have no idea hun" I groaned as I took my heels off and tossed them to the side of the room. Sniffing my armpits, boy I need a shower. "What do you mean?" He took a step towards me as I looked passed him for a second trying to figure out what happen.

"It's a blur and I was drunk drop it" I side stepped him as I pulled the dress over my head and dropped it on the floor as I walked towards the bathroom. "Seriously?" AO followed me into the bathroom. In all honestly this is so normal for us now, living under the same roof for two years sharing a room. "Yeah it's foggy but Clint said he didn't try to you know" I shurgged as AO's warm hands unhooked my bra. We kind of undress and dress each other. "And you believe him" He placed his hands on my hips as he rest his chin on my shoulder. "There's no blood. The med said their would be blood when the time comes for me" I shuttered at the thought of going to the doctor with both Kelp and AO.

"Okay, but your alright?" He asked as he pulled me into his chest. I hated when he got so over protective! "Your not my mate but thanks for the help" I sneered as I pushed him out of the bathroom and took my shower.

After showering I dressed in my big Escape The Fate band tee and a pair of AO's boxers that were in my clothes hamper for some reason. My bed was pushed up against the wall closer to the window, drapped in blue and yellow sheets and matching blanket. I jumpped on the bed and cuddle up with my stuffed bunny Mr.Bunz and fell asleep to the pitter patter of the rain on the window. I didn't notices the lingering tinglingy feeling where both Clint and AO touched me. I don't have a mate, this weird.

The sound of a loud BOOM and a flashing light lite up the room causing me to sink deeper into my bed, but the sound of a loud high pitch scream jolted me awake to see AO cowarding in the middle of his bed with his blanket in a vice grip. "AO?" I called as I crawled to the end of my bed, he cleared his throat and responded in a cracked voice. "Yeah?" He was scared. "You okay?" I asked as I stood up and walked towards him with Mr.Bunz in my arms. "No I'm good pft women go to bed" He used his i'm-a-man-and-i'm-not-scared-of-anything tone which always made me laugh but today I could see when the lighting flash a bright ray of light that AO was scared shitless!

"Okay" I smiled and turned to go back to bed but AO grab my wrist and pulled me in the bed with him where we laid in each others arms for the night. "Dont tell anyone " He sneered as he gripped onto my waist as he pulled me closer. "Shut up and go to sleep you big baby" I muttered as I squeezed Mr.Bunz and difted off to sleep with butterflies flying in the pit of my stomach. AO had fears.. that's new.

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