Chapter 20

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Rose's POV
After I watched Natasha hack into the system we all are going out for ice cream!!! They make sure to wear disguises and that I shape shift
some of my physical characteristics so I'm not so noticeable. As we walk into the ice cream parlor Steve and Natasha looked around for a moment, most likely looking for any types of threats.

"Hello. Welcome to Cold Stone. What can I get for you?" A woman who seems to be about 20ish or so says as we walk up. I look around to see all the flavors but I just can't choose one. I mean there was chocolate chip cookie dough, mint chocolate chip, vanilla swirl, pomegranate  tart, Cheesecake, and more!!!

"What do I get?!??" I exclaim in exasperation. Natasha just smiles and slightly shakes her head and tells me to get whatever I want. After another second of just staring dumbly at the case of ice cream flavors Steve bends down and starts talking to me.

"Well you know you could get more than one flavor right?" He says with smile and wink. I let out a little squeal but then I'm faced with another problem...which two flavors? Ok, so the pomegranate tart looks REALLY good and so does the chocolate chip cookie dough. I think I'll get those two. But wait will they taste good together???? Eh, guess we'll have to find out. I ask the lady for my ice cream and I get it in a huge weird looking cone thing. I wonder what it is? We find a little table to sit at and I sit on one side while it seems Steve and Natasha are sort of sharing a side as they are both able to face me from where their chairs are placed. Natasha got the Raspberry Tart while Steve got the classic chocolate vanilla swirl.

"That's what they call a waffle cone. Cause see how the square pattern is on there, that's what a waffle looks like just raised and bigger. You eat it as you eat the ice cream." Natasha explains after having noticed me looking at it oddly. Oooohhhh! That makes so much more sense now! I keep eating my ice cream and eventually my cone as well. We eat in a comfortable silence but then a thought occurs to me.

"So are we a family now?" I question them. They both glance at each other for but a moment and then looked back at me.

Natasha took a deep breath, looking as if she was going to explain something important but before she can even open her mouth, Steve says, "Of course sweetheart." I smile largely and run over to them to give them a big hug.

Natasha's POV
Once I had hacked into the system and breathed a silent breath of relief. Rose is finally mine, well Steve and I's. We're her parents! Wait, that makes it sound like we're married to each other or at least dating and that's not gonna happen..ever! But it would be nice... NO! STOP Natasha! You can't have thoughts such as these.

We all decide to get ice cream as a celebratory treat. We sneak out of the tower as none of the other Avengers are aware of what just happened and I would like to keep it that way for at least a small amout of time but knowing Rose, the minute we get home, she's going to talk about it nonstop. I don't know why I don't want the others to know but I feel as if it should be something private. I mean I was fine with them knowing I was adopting her but now it feels different, like it's more intimate. I don't know for sure though.
While being lost in my thoughts, I did not notice that we had arrived at Cold Stone. I immediately look out for any threats that could be posed, out of instinct, but now there's more at stake: Rose. Rose has trouble deciding what ice cream flavor to get and I just smile at her realizing that she's just a kid in an ice cream shop. She looking adorable, rocking backing and forth, slightly mumbling to herself, and point at the ice cream tubs with her face against the glass. The last goes to tell her not to put her face on the glass but I shoot her a quick glare which cause her to shut right up.

"Well you know you could get more than one flavor right?" Steve asks her while squaring down to be at her eye level, which shows that he's talking to her and not down to her so she feels more comforted and not intimidated by him. This makes the smile reappear on my face. We soon all order and find a small table with three chairs, not next to a window but near one. Rose keeps glancing at her waffle cone funnily until I finally explain to her what it is and the fact that you eat it as you eat the ice cream. She smiled at me and then we continued eating in silence, but it was a good kind of silence with us just enjoying the company of each other.

"So are we a family now?" Rose questions us. I glance at Steve at the same time he glances at me. We make brief eye contact and within in our eyes we try to figure out what to say. He wants to say yes but I'm not sure we should. We both glance at Rose and I finally get the courage to tell her that we can't ever really be a family because Steve and I will never get married and with both of us doing the jobs we do, we'll be gone a lot. I take a deep breath about to explain it to her but Steve beats me to it. "Of course sweetheart."

What!!! Why did he say that?!?! What did he mean? Gosh I have this feeling, I'm supposed to be able to read people easily and figure out what their thinking and doing but I just can't when it comes to Steve with Rose. I feel so weak! Is this why Nick fired me? Was I just getting weak? Uhg!!!! I have to stop thinking about these things cause otherwise I will start getting emotional and I'm not a lot to ruin this for Rose.

We all finish up our ice cream and soon we are walking back to the secret entrance of Avengers Tower. This is the one entrance Fury doesn't know about. We pass another alleyway but this one is different. Both Steve and I tense as we know there is a threat near us. Soon enough a drunk dude with a gun walks out from the shadows and grabs Rose too quickly. Rose immediately starts screaming until he threatens to put a bullet through her head. Rose takes a moments thought before she bites down on his hand and turns her hair on fire to start burn him. Steve and I are but a moment of shock until he calls her some pretty ugly names and threatens to shoot is instead. This catches Steve and I off guard once again; he doesn't react like normal when seeing her powers, he called Steve and I her mom and dad, and he's holding her really well for a supposed drink guy. I soon take action and roundhouse kick him in the he face - avoiding Rose. We start fighting while Steve ensures Rose is ok. This man is not a normal citizen but most likely a SHIELD agent. His shirt shifts just a little and I see part of the bullet-proof suit made especially for SHIELD. I punch the guy one more time before he's out cold.

"We need to go. Now!" I tell them firmly. Steve scoops up Rose and we start speed walking through New York to get to Avengers Tower, though this time we have to take an entrance SHIELD knows about in case they're watching us, which they most likely are.

We bust through the doors, ride the elevator to the top floor, and then spill out into the common room. Everyone immediately looks over at us and seems our serious faces - along with Rose's fearful one.

"What the hell just happened?!?"


HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!💘💘💘💘💘 I know I'm a day late but I love y'all so much! Thanks for being such dedicated readers!!☺️

Sorry it's a little short but I figured I would update while I can as I am on winter break. I have a week off but Afterwards I'm not sure how much I'm going to update so I'm trying to get it in when I can. We also have Spring break starting March 2nd but I will be having surgery on March 1st so I will either be too drugged up to write or I'll get a lot done.

Hope you guys liked this chapter! Comment, vote, share!!!


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