Chapter 5

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Clint (HawkEye) POV

As we were waiting for Director Fury to come and start the meeting, we were talking amongst ourselves.

I hear a bang as the door opens up. I turn my head so I now have a clear view of who just barged into the room, I believe it is Director Fury. The only difference is, this person is pale, has straight dirty blonde hair, extremely skinny, and is short. Did I forget to mention that this person is a girl, big difference.

No one spoke, there was only silence. Who is this girl? Why is she so out of breath, it is as of she were running from someone?

As if right on cue, I hear agents shouting orders and footsteps. I hear 4 doors open until finally an agent opens the door to this room. Agent Davon looks around for a moment until he spots the girl. The girl realizes the agent is in the room and she gets wide eyes. Before she can react, Agent Davon tazes the little girl. Why would he do that?

It takes Thor all of three seconds to react though.

"What do thy think thy doing?" Thor thunders, quite literally.

"My job sir. I was told to bring this prisionor down at any costs, without killing her of course." Agent Davon responds as he moves to pick up the girl. Wrong move and answer.

"Don't touch her." Steve says, going into full soldier mode.

"Come look at her Bruce." Steve commands. Bruce immediately comes over to do a quick check-up on the little girl.

"How many volts did you shock her with exactly?" Bruce asks examinining a burm mark on the child's skin. Whoa, it must have been turned up a lot for it to cause a burn like that.

"A tenth of an amp." He says as if its nothing. Wrong answer again.

"A tenth of an amp, that kills people!" Tony fumes, finally getting in on the argument. (A/N: I did look it up, 1/10 of an amp. can kill you). Whoa, wait, did he say kill? Poor Agent Davon, he's going to get it. Natasha is quick to her feet and she quickly and quitely strides over towards Agent Davon. This isn't going to end well for him, and I think he knows this. Everyone is staring at Natasha as she makes her way towards the agent, everyone but Bruce and Steve who are focused on the girl. Natasha brings her foot around and roundhouse kicks him the jaw, then she punches him in the gut.

"If you killed her, so help you God." She states calmy before elbowing him in the back. Agent Davon is out for the count.

"We'll be back." Steve says before picking up the girl and running out of th room with Bruce right on his heels.

A few moments later, Fury comes in.

"What's going on here? Why is Agent Davon knocked out on the ground, and where is Bruce and Steve?" He commands in a raised voice.

"While we were waiting for you to show up to the meeting, a little girl came in and she looked terrified. Then this agent came running in. When he saw the girl, he tazed her. He tazed her with a tenth of an amphere. You know that that much electricity kills people! So then Natasha knocked him out. Steve and Bruce probably took her to Bruce's lab and now you're here." Tony says getting annoyed with Fury.

"Yes, well it won't kill her in particular." Fury says

"What do thy mean to proclaim?" Thor says

"She's special. She is the reason you guys are here. That girl, that girl is Rose." Fury states.

"No, she's dead." I say

"Nope, that's her. We just found her a couple of days ago." He says

"How'd you find her?" Tony asks being nosy.

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