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Warning: This story was one of the first I wrote when I was fifteen. My language and grammar were not the best, and I apologise in advance for any confusion you encounter. Just a note that there are TWO POVs. And unfortunately, I don't have the time to come back and edit it. Once again, sorry for the inconvenience. And thanks for taking your time to support it!

"To my family. They still don't know I write."


I stared into the mirror. My reflection stared back at me. I studied at my pale grey eyes, my too dark lashes and my small round face with high cheekbones that marked me different from the rest. I retracted my large angelic wings and forced a smile to my face, revealing perfectly white teeth.

My fingers worked somehow gracefully through my creamy white hair, no matter how exhausted I was, I still held a strange divine aura about me. I reached out and took hold of the red rose, bringing its petals to brush along my small round nose. I closed my eyes breathing in its sweet, sugary filled fragrance.

When I opened my eyes I noticed my cheeks were tainted red. My red lips pouted into a scowl, to think me and angel was blushing! I forced myself to stand up and move towards my long elegant golden dress. I touched it, illuminating it with a glow as my fingers trailed along its elegant fabric.

My eyes darted up as soon as I heard a familiar chuckle. My wings all too quick spread out, an instinctive move, as I spun around. My eyes narrowed to form a glare hiding the happiness I felt coursing through my body. There before me stood a demon. His true form hidden behind the mortal-like appearance he knew I loved all too much. Dark hair fell lazily over his forehead, his fiery red eyes piercing into my own light ones.

I forced my wings back into my body, feeling all my strength ebb away as I did so. My shoulders slumped a little and what measly grace I had left in me vanished so that now I looked exactly how I felt. Tired, exhausted, defeated and betrayed, there were so many more emotions flowing through my mind but I would not let it show, not in front of a demon.

He tilted his head to the side, before smirking at me knowing that the very action made me lightheaded. I took a deep breath to keep myself from collapsing, not daring to take my eyes off him as he moved closer and closer, sealing off the distance between us. His hand cupped my cheek, sending a heated sensation streaming into my veins. He leaned forward causing me to look up involuntarily. He smiled, and then slowly placed his soft lips against mines.

My angelic smile, his devilish love ✔Where stories live. Discover now