Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

“Bite onto this cloth if the pain gets really bad,” he said handing me a thick cloth.

I took hold of it and shuddered, how bad would the pain get? Was this not just the transfusion of blood, granted it was demon blood and my wound would be reopened but still...?

He brushed back my hair, away from the wound at the nape of my neck and bottom of my head. I could hear him swear under his breath as he touched my almost sealed wound; probably it just made his job harder.

I felt his fingers brush my wound slowly and then the pain started. I gritted my teeth so hard I was surprised that they didn’t break. Methodically I felt the demon cut my healed wound open so that he would then be able to transfuse his blood into mine, cancelling out Satan’s touch.

“Bite the cloth or else you’ll hurt your jaw,” he said after a while.

I didn’t bother being stubborn for once and did as I was told. I let my teeth sink into the cloth as my skin was cut open, blood trickling down my neck and back, making my eyes tear up. After a few minutes the demon stopped cutting my neck and I watched as he took a towel and wiped away my neck. I had to bite in a gasp as I noticed the towel came away not with red but black blood.

“It’s Satan’s touch, his horns mingling with your blood will make you almost…demonic,” he stated.

I shivered, “Are you done yet?”

He chuckled lightly, “Not yet, it’s going to hurt a whole lot more than this once my blood mixes with yours”.

I cursed silently as he continued to cut through my skin. How big had the wound been? All I remember was Michael who found me passed out on the floor, bleeding profusely and then when I woke up again we were back at the apartment, my head bandaged and throbbing.

“Okay we’re done,” the demon said bringing me out of my thoughts.

I sat up but suddenly the demon’s had pushed me back down, “Hold on, I meant we’re done with reopening your wound”.

“Can you not be more specific?” I breathed out wincing in pain.

He laughed, “No I’m a demon. I’m not supposed to be specific”.

I ignored his comment, “Just get on with it”.

He nodded and reached out for another blade that had the sign of the devil marked along the iron. I watched from where I laid on his bed as he cut his thumb, letting his blood start to gush out. I must admit that there was some morbid part of me that wanted to taste his blood, but I suppose that’s because his blood had that demonic scent to it.

He grinned and pressed his thumb against my open wound which I wasn’t ready for. A loud shrill scream escaped my lips as pain shot through my body. It grabbed my heart, compressing it, making me breathless and my skin burn as though I was in a fire pit, being lit alight from the inside out.

Suddenly my vision blurred and before I knew it everything went black. With a wheezing gasp I let my body collapse onto the bed.


“Where is she?”

“Oh wouldn’t you like to know?”

“Lucas, what’s going on?”

“Stand behind me Laura”

I groaned, opening my eyes. I looked around and noticed my body covered in a heavy blanket and my head propped up by two large pillows that smelt so very familiar. The lights were off and for a few seconds panic started to inch its way through my body before I realised where I was.

My angelic smile, his devilish love ✔Where stories live. Discover now