Chapter Two

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  • Dedicated to Tamsin Seach

Hey guys just want to thank those of that are reading this. Please comment and tell me if I should continue this or not, thanks!

Chapter Two

Michael stared at me watching my every action as though he suspected me to be lying. I touched my long white hair nervously, twirling a strand against my small fingers. My eyes darted around, taking in the appearance of my apartment.

I was posing as a human. This was to ensure that I protected and guarded the woman that I had been assigned to defend. After she pledged herself to the demon, I had no other choice than to explain the situation to Michael.

“Evelyn, remember your duty,” Michael told me with a faraway tone.

I nodded.

“The woman is merely a child, a couple years too short of twenty so watch her carefully as she will not learn her lesson yet,” he continued.

I narrowed my eyes in thought, “How old is she brother?”

“Eighteen,” Michael replied.

“She is an adult Michael, why am I assigned to her? You know how I feel about…the demons”.

Michael sighed, “Look Evelyn this is not discussable, he has given his orders and you will obey them. Watch your assigned human”.

I watched silently as Michael faded out into light. I was alone. With a heavy sigh I walked over to the mirror and glanced at myself, my white hair had been altered so that the undertone and roots were black. The base and tips still remained white, I was posing as an art graduate attending the same art school as my human so it was fine for me to look as an ‘artsy’ type as Michael had said.

The only physical difference with me was the lack of wings. I was not used to seeing myself as a human but I could tell that I did not look old enough to pass for nineteen however my angelic magnetism still clung to my aura so it would be easy to charm my way where necessary. I smiled; the corners of my red lips curling up sent my skin aglow. Yes I would be able to charm my way here, among the humans.

I stood at the far end of the painting room of the art college I was attending. A black bag was slung against my right shoulder containing a cell-phone; one that Michael advised me to have in case of emergencies, and a wallet containing fake I.D. and a credit card which contained more than enough money to end world poverty.

I scanned the large room with wooden floors and large arched windows that let sunlight shine through brilliantly. The room was scattered with wooden boards which held blank canvases ready for use. Metal sinks were built into the far left hand side of the room and art supplies were kept in a cupboard at the back of the room.

In walked a girl with black curly hair and light blue eyes. She was my human. I watched her walk into the room greeting a few of the other students before she took a seat in the corner of the class pulling out her own art supplies and setting it up. Without another word she plugged in her iPod into her ears and waited for the teacher to arrive.

I sighed to myself. I hated art, well not truly. I just could not draw nor did I seem to possess the abilities to sketch, no matter how angelic I was; the ability to draw was not in me.

Without thinking it further I walked over to my human and sat down next to her. I gave her a friendly smile which she returned, for a second recognition passed through her eyes, she was remembering me from the night I had saved her from the demon, but there was no way she would know who I was.

She pulled out her iPod, “Hi, you’re new here. I’m Laura”.

I nodded, “I’m Evelyn, Eve”.

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