Bad News-Chapter 17

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heeyyy guys I know it's been awhile but... NEW CHAPTER! :) Enjoy!!


Meanwhile somewhere in space...

The door of the Warworld control room opened with a loud clang, but the excessively large man in the operating chair did not turn to see who had entered. He already knew.

"Desaad," he called. "Have you any news for me?"

"Yes, my lord," the hideous man said, stepping forward.

"Good. We approach Earth's orbit rapidly. The invasion will soon begin. Are our forces ready?"

"Yes Lord Savage. They will be... unstoppable." He grinned an evil smile.

"And the girl? Have you managed to locate her yet?"

"Indeed, my lord. She has been using her powers. I can sense that much. But I cannot be sure to what extent she has learned to use them. Nor do I have any way of knowing whether she has isolated herself, or if she has rejoined the Justice League and their sidekicks."

"Well, then there is still hope. We shall try to sway her to our side then, before we begin our take-over. My partners, the Light, will be pleased to see I have returned. After those heroes stopped us the last time, they will all be hungry for revenge."  

"And revenge you shall get, my lord." Desaad assured him. "But what will become of the girl if she refuses to join us? What will we do with her?"

Savage finally turned to face the man. "Should that problem arise, she will be far too powerful, and may cause a problem for us and our plans. She will have to be... eliminated."


Ok, it's realllyyy short. But don't worry, i'll update again today or early tomorrow:) COMMENT AND VOTE!!! :D

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