This is war- Chapter 22

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-Dick's POV-

"Lexi, no!" I shouted as she dove into the boom tube vortex, disappearing from my sight. I practically growled in frustration. "Damn it!"

"Calm down Dick," Tim warned. "Shouting isn't going to help us find her. Now come on, you have wounded Team members." Knowing that he was right, I followed him hurriedly back down to the street, where our friends were beginning to wake.

"Where's Lexi?" Barbra asked, rubbing her shoulder in pain.

"Gone," I mumbled angrily as I helped Beast Boy to his feet. The Flash approached us.

"Thanks guys, we would've been screwed if it weren't for you all." he smiled.

"We have to get to the Watchtower," I ordered, ignoring his praise. Not waiting to see if they were following me, I ran to the nearest Zeta-tube, and was zapped up into the Watchtower. "Computer, activate tracking system."

"Tracking system activated."

"Tracking subject code B13."

"Subjects location... undetectable."

"Shit," I mumbled.

"Subject's location, updated. B13: Watchtower."

"What?!" I exclaimed, knowing that there was no way that she was here in the Watchtower. The others finally Zeta'd in.

"Any luck?" Tim asked, joining me at the computer.

"No! The damn computer is screwed. It says she's here!" I told him, running a frustrated hand through my hair. Suddenly, the lights dimmed and Lexi tumbled out of the darkness. We all ran to her aid as she weakly tried to stand. "Lexi! How long have you been here?"

"Just now." she mumbled. "Shadow travel..."

"Give her space!" I ordered, knowing that she had over exerted herself.

"Savage... the plan!" She gasped, collapsing in my arms. "Have to stop him."

"Shhhh, just calm down. What plan?" I forced her to look me in the eyes, but she was slowly slipping into unconsciousness.

"Let her rest, Dick." Miss Martian, who apparently had joined us at some point, said. "Her mind needs rest. Once she has recovered, she will tell us all we need to know." She put her hand to Lexi's head. "Sleep." she mumbled, and Lexi drifted off. "It will wear off soon enough. Let us get her vitals checked, and make sure that no harm has been done to her."

I agreed, scooping her up in my arms and following M'gann back to the Zeta tubes so that Alfred could look her over.

-Lexi's POV-

I sat up, my mind hazy. Looking around, I found myself on a vaguely familiar beach, and I knew that I was dreaming. The tune that had called to me once before hung in the air and I just had to follow it. This time, instead of calling me down the beach, it lured me into the dense forest just beyond the sand dunes. It was dark, but I had no trouble finding my way to the one whom I was seeking; the source of music.... the Rifter.

I recognized him on sight. He was crouched behind a thick bush, softly blowing that haunting tune into his pipes, and his sword was glowing (as it tends to when he is near a nightmare). His fairy was sat quietly on his shoulder. I approached without caution, and he did not seem surprised to see me. When I was just behind him, he turned, pulling the instrument from his mouth, and put a finger to his lips, telling me to stay quiet. Taking my hand, he pulled me down next him, and indicated for me to peer through a small peep hole in the bushes.

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