Chapter 36

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I know you all probably hate me for not updating, but I'M SO SORRY. I'm a junior in High School at a college prep school, and I really want to get into an Ivy League, so I'm majorly focused on grades right now. :P Sorry.... enjoy the chapter though!

-No POV-

"Desaad, status report," Vandal Savage barked at his servant.

"The heroes have begun taking action, my Lord. They now make their way to the United Nations in New York City.

"Humph, United Nations," Savage sneered. "As if humanity could ever actually unite. Remind me to tear that building down brick by brick when I take over."

"Certainly, Lord. Now, what form of action do you wish to take?"

"Are our forces ready?"

"Indeed. The beast pace in their compartments in anticipation. They are some of my best experiments." Desaad rubbed his webbed hands together, grinning evilly. "The humans of Earth will not know what hit them."

"Yes," Savage agreed. "My beasts will sniff out the weak and destroy them, and the few of the humans that are left will be the beginning of my super-human race."

"And what of the Justice League?"

"The heroes will be a minor setback. They cannot defeat all of my creatures. Even Superman will struggle against them." Savage replied, waving it off.

"And the girl?" Desaad wondered. "She still lives. She will fight with them. My own creation..."

"You did your work on the child well. We underestimated the strength of her will. But she too will fall, or join us in the end. She has no idea the depths of her powers that we have given her. They have progressed in ways we could have never thought possible."

They sat in silence for a moment, until Desaad asked, "When do you wish to strike? The humans are rallying together an attack force."

Vandal Savage chuckled deeply. "We strike in one hour. Let them gather their armies. Let them think that they stand a chance. We both know that they don't."

-Lexi's POV-

I tugged at the ends of my hair nervously as we hovered above the United Nations headquarters in the Batplane. Reporters were crowding the building, wanting information about the alien spaceships in our atmosphere. Dick, Batman, and I dropped down to the ground behind the lines of cops that were keeping the reporters at bay. Robin flew off back to Wayne Manor to land the plane, then he would Zeta out to wherever he was needed.

Batman walked up to the door, ignoring questions from reporters, and punched a number into the security scanner. Apparently, because the Justice League was considered an ally to the United Nations, all official members had access to the headquarters. As we walked through the main entrance, Batman led us down a number of hallways until we reached an elevator.

"This is wrong," I mumbled to Dick.

"What is?"

"This," I replied, gesturing to the elevator as we stepped inside. "This is a "ridiculously high powered express elevator. It doesn't belong in a ten story building. Why would they need it?" When the doors shut behind us, I saw that there were no floor numbers to select. Only one: down. Batman pushed the button and the elevator took off so fast that I almost fell over. After awhile of gripping tightly to the railing, the doors slid open to reveal a large control room bustling with people in United Nations uniforms. "Oh," I said, wide-eyed. "That's why."

 "Batman," a guy dressed in an official looking uniform said. "Welcome. We were just about to contact the Justice League. We're in the middle of an international crisis, as you probably already know."

"We're here to help." Batman replied, shaking the man's hand. "Nightwing, Shadow, this is Secretary General Langford, chief administrative officer of the United Nations. Secretary General, these are my protégés."

"We're glad that you're here." General Langford went to say more, but a young man walked over.

"General Langford, we've allied with the nations and armies of the world, with the help of the Justice League. They intend to fight with us."

Another man called over from a large computer monitor. "Sir! Sir, you may want to see this." The general gestured for us to follow him over, and we watched in horror at the footage on the screen.

"My name is Cindy Collins, live from Gotham City, where the unidentified ships are releasing horribl monsters. The creatures are reeking havoc on our fair city, killing innocent people. Our governments advise us to stay calm. There is... nowhere for us to hide.

"W-what are those?" I stammered, looking at the image of a huge, elephant sized, dog-like creature on the screen. They had sharp fangs, and ridiculously long talons, with serpent-like tails whipping around.

"We have no idea. But there have been world-wide reports of them. The SWAT team and a group of police are attempting to hold off two of them in Central Park as we speak. There are hundreds of them. Aside from that, there's a massive ship flying above the Hudson River."

"The Warworld,"Batman filled in.

"Sir, we've got visuals!" A man said, pulling up a holographic video of live footage of Central Park. It showed the chaos that was happening there, but among the craziness, there stood a tall man setting calmly on the ledge of a fountain.

"Zoom in, right there!" I directed. The crewman looked to his superior for confirmation, and when the officer nodded, he complied. There in the park, sat Vandal Savage with a grin on his face, enjoying the scene that played out around him. "It's him!" I screeched. "We have to... I've got to go out there! I have to stop him."

I began pulling on my gloves and slipped the cloak over my head, but Dick grabbed my arm. "Listen to me, okay? We will stop him. We won't let him win. We just need to be smart about this." I noticed that he constantly said we. From that and the look in his eyes, I knew what he was really saying: "I don't plan on letting you out of my sight for more the half of a millisecond, if that."

"Fine," I sneered, turning to General Langford. "I think that the NYPD and SWATT should just focus on evacuating the area. Tell them to clear a perimeter down all the way to the Brooklyn bridge. That way, when the time comes to strike, we can hit hard, and not worry about any civilians getting stuck in the cross-fire."

The General looked at me strangely. "And why should I take orders from you, little girl?"

"Would you die to stop them?" I asked, catching him off guard.

"Of course," he huffed indignantly.

I narrowed my eyes at him from behind my sunglasses, and clenched my fists to stop my hand from causing him bodily damage. Instead, I yanked up my sleeve, exposing the long, twisted scars that ran up the inside of my arms. "That man," I began, pointing to the screen, then to my arm, "did this to me. He took me away from my family and everyone that I care about. He made me a monster. You say that you would die to stop this. Imagine what I would do."

He stared at me, looking me over in that way that people often did, assessing your strengths, then he spoke into his earpiece. "Clear out the perimeter all the way to the Brooklyn Bridge. I want pedestrians out of the way. Wait for my instructions for an attack plan."

"Thank you, General," I told him, meaning it. Then I reached down and picked up my bow and quiver, strapping them to my back, and checking to make sure that my dagger and utility belt were in place.

"What are you doing?" Dick asking cautiously.

I shrugged, walking over to the elevator and pressing the only button: Up. "You see, the thing is... I already have a plan. Attack."

I slipped inside the elevator just as Dick shouted, "Grab her!"

But they were too slow. The doors slid closed and when they reopened, I raced from the building with only one thing on my mind. Stopping Vandal Savage.


ok its up!! I'm so sorry about the wait you guys :P COMMENT AND VOTE PLEAAASSEEE.

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