First time- Chapter 26

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-Lexi's POV- 

When I'd finally made it back to Wayne Manor, weighed down with my new items, I ran into the kitchen to find Dick eating a sandwich and doing something on his laptop.

"Hey, I missed you this morning." He greeted, not looking away form his computer. "How'd it go up there? Did you find anything on Savage?"  


When he finally glanced up at me, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he took in the huge bag at my side. "Are you okay? That isn't a body bag is it?" He joked, but I could tell he was worried that something had happened. 

"No, it's not a body bag," I sighed, placing it carefully on the table and pulling out it's contents. "Wonder Woman gave them to me. She said that they were gifts from the gods." I lapsed into telling him everything that had happened at the Watchtower that morning. 

"Wow," he breathed. "May I?" he asked, gesturing to the bow. 

"Of course." Dick picked it up, marveling at it;s sturdiness and beauty. 



"What do you think that I should do with it?" I asked him. 

"I think that you should use it. It;d be dumb not to. Wonder Woman gave it to you, so you know that it isn't poisoned..." 

"I guess..." I sighed, sitting down on the arm of his chair. Dick looked up at me, sensing my anxiety, and pulled me down on his lap. 

"Are you okay?" I just shook my head, leaning back against his shoulder, jumping in surprise when he lifted me with ease, carrying me upstairs to his bedroom. 

"Put me down!" I squealed, screaming as he threw me down on his bed, causing me to bounce up and off the edge. As I stood up, rubbing my sore bottom, he doubled over with laughter. "Not funny," I huffed, flopping down back onto the bed. 

"Sorry, love," he said when he finally calmed down. "But that was hilarious." I rolled my eyes as he crawled onto the bed and sat down next to me. "Now, do you want to tell me what's bothering you?" 

"No, not really," I said angrily, turning away, intent on being cross with him, but he was quick to catch my eye again. 

"Aw, come on. I was just messing with you." 

"I know... I'm just stressed. That's all." 

"Talk to me, Lexi." Dick pleaded. 

"I just... feel like it all depends on me. You know? Like it's all up to me to defeat Savage. What if I can't, Dick?" 

"No one expects you to take him on alone, Lexi. We'll all be with you, every step of the way." 

"But what if-" 

"No more talking about it tonight, okay?" He said, leaning down and capturing my lips in a kiss. I sighed in content, pulling him down on top of me as his tongue slipped expertly into my mouth. "I love you," he murmured. 

"I love you too." 

-Dick's POV- 

Lexi and I had been kissing for what could've been hours, and things were starting to get heated, but I was in total control of myself, not wanting to take things too far if she wasn't ready. So you can imagine my surprise when she began tugging my shirt off. I froze momentarily, but shook it off, figuring just to roll with it and let the chips fall where they may. 

Timidly, I began pulling off her top, looking down at her for confirmation. When she pulled me down into a breathtaking kiss, I took that as a yes, yanked it off completely, throwing it off somewhere on the floor. 

"God Lexi, look at you," I breathed, entranced by the sight on her in her bra. "I can't look away." I kissed her again, some primal need making it hard to stop. She ran her hands lightly up and down my back, turning me on even more. My hands moved by themselves, reaching to her chest and snapping open her bra. 

Whoever invented frontal clasp bras? They're freaking genius. My hero. Seriously. 

"Lexi," I panted when I came up for air. "Lexi, baby, you have to tell me when to stop, because otherwise, I won't be able to." 

She looked up at me through her sunglasses that had become a permanent part of her, her brilliant blue eyes shining from beneath the lenses. "Then don't," she whispered. 

"A-Are you sure? Because I can wait. God, I'd wait an eternity for you." 

"I'm sure. It's you Dick. It's always been you. And it'll always be you." My heart swelled with pride and love. The way she was looking at me... like I was something special. Like she trusts me, and has faith in me. 

And you know what? I never want Lexi to look at me any other way. 

"Okay," I say, leaning forward and gently grasping the sides of her shades, going to pull them off. 

"Dick, what are you doing?" She cried, pushing my hands away. 

"Lexi, if we're going to do this... It just doesn't seem fair that you have to be wearing these." 

"It also doesn't seem fair that you should have to be experiencing your worst nightmare while we do 'this'." 

"Lexi... my worst nightmare is losing you. Having you taken away from me. And how can your silly little nightmares convince me that you're gone when your right here? When you're right here, where I can see you, and touch you, and kiss you?" She was speechless. "They can't." 

"Dick, that's not how it works, and you know it. I don't want to hurt you. Please, just... leave them." I sigh in defeat and nod, because I want this, and I want her to want this, and I'll do anything to make her happy. 

"It's whatever you want," I tell her.

"Good, now where were we?" She grabbed my neck and yanked my head forward, slamming her lips to mine. And then we were off like a rocket.


hehehe sexy time. Sorry, but there was no way that I was writing a sex scene... But anyways, I know that for some reason, people really wanted them to... ya know.. do the dirty. SO, here it is!! And a dramatic chapter is ON IT'S WAY. Comment and VOTE! and no, they wont have children.

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