Let Them Think What They Want

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Warnings: crossdressing, consensual slut shaming, dom/sub, riding, rimming, very slight homophobia, daddy kink

Words: 2400

A/n: Happy New Year! Hope that 2016 treats you well!

As Connor gathered up his stuff and pushed his way through the swarm of people leaving his last college class of the day, chemistry, and headed towards the locker rooms to get ready for swim practice. As Connor turned the corner to leave the building he saw the infamous Troye Mellet. The boy was known for nothing more than the girls he fucked, the parties he went to, and the drama he started. It didn't matter that Troye was a smaller boy, when the girls heard his Australian accent, their hearts melted.

Continuing out of the building Connor began his walk across campus to get the athletic part of campus to begin swim practice, today was lifting. Connor dreaded it, but he knew it was necessary if he was going to go to nationals.


Troye walked down the hall, knowing he was getting looks, but he couldn't care less, he was used to it. As he walked out of the science building on his way to meet up with his friends. "Hey man!" Caspar said, as Troye approached the circle of boys who were talking about a party that was tonight. "We expecting to see you there?" His other friend Joe said almost sarcastically, looking over to Troye.

"Eh, I don't know. I think I'm busy." Troye said earning a few surprised noises. "You're never too busy to go to a party! All those girls you would have fucked will be disappointed!" Joe said to him, before Troye tried to shrug it off, hoping they would drop it. "Ohhh, you have one coming over tonight, don't you? Who is it?" Marcus asked.

"Uh, don't worry about it man. But I'll tell you if she's good" Troye said winking, making the boys laugh, congratulating him on the girl he scored. "Come on then" Joe said, "You might as well come over to my room to hang now since you won't be at the party later."

"Alright" Troye agreed turning around beginning to walk towards Joe and Caspar's room, as the other boys began talking about how great the party was going to be that night. "I'm going to get in good with Alfie and get him to bring vodka" Joe said and winked. "Yeah, then you don't even have to use a fake ID since he's already 21" Caspar laughed.

"I'm going to try and fuck his girlfriend tonight so I don't think he'll like me" Marcus said with a laugh. "Are you really going to go after Zoe?" Troye said, slightly shocked. She seemed so nice and happy with Alfie, it would be sad to see it end. "What? You like her Troye? Don't worry, once I'm done she's all-"

"Hey hey hey! Please don't talk about my sister in front of me like that guys" Joe said, putting his hands up to his ears not wanting to have that image in his head. As they all laughed, Caspar pushed Joe slightly causing him to run into another boy, him almost falling over too.

"Oh, look who it is" Caspar said in a slight taunting tone, looking at Connor. Troye looked over as well and realized it was Connor. Troye's eyes widened slightly before he quickly looked away. "Hey man, I assume you won't be at the party tonight?" Joe asked Connor, and Connor just shrugged looking down. "Probably not." "That's a real shame man. I'll see ya Monday in class" Marcus said passing him.

Once the group had passed Connor, the boys began to discuss him. "If he wasn't a fag I think he could be cool." Caspar said. "Yeah, he's kind of a push over. Shame" Marcus said, causing Troye to blush, which he desperately tried to cover up. Once the boys got back to the dorm, Troye sat down at the desk chair and pulled out his phone as the others continued to talk about mindless things, and began to get ready for the party. "So we figured before we could go over to the pub and get a bite to eat before the party. Troye you in for that?" Marcus asked.

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