Plastic Crown

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Warnings: slight body worship, crossdressing, riding, some transphobia and homophobia, almost rimming, trust me this is

Words: 6092 (you're welcome!)

A/N (both by em ): this concept was on glee, but this doesn't follow it at all tbh

What would you think of "top Troye Tuesdays"? We have a lot of requests for top Troye and although I am (clearly) not top Troye, if you want it wrote, I'll write it!

Three days. There were only three days left until Homecoming for the school of Le Cresent Minnesota. Everyone was buzzing, either about if they were going, if someone else was going, or if someone else got a date. In a town like Le Cresent, homecoming wasn't something to miss. It was a big deal for the kids of the town, giving them something to look forward to and gossip about. Almost everyone went, it usually wasn't something to miss.

On that Thursday all anyone could talk about was the parade and pep rally that night, in preparation for tomorrow's Friday night football game. If you played a sport or did an activity you had a float, while everyone else sat on the sidelines watching, cheering on the school.

Connor Franta, swim team captain of course was on a float, but it wasn't the swim team float. He was on something more important: the royal court float. He had been nominated for homecoming king, not to anyone's surprise. He had seen it coming, but didn't really know what to do until it happened. Connor had put it out of his mind besides the expected "thank you" for the nomination on Twitter and the hour before this parade, where he found a blue button down, ironed it, and found a tie.

Once he had his parents approve his outfit, he fixed his hair up to a side quiff, and shuffled out the door to make it to the parade on time. Connor was sat beside a homecoming queen nominee, named Libby Kathan. She was all dressed up, makeup done and blonde hair down, dressed in a silky light silver dress that shined in the light. Connor noticed it wasn't really too formal, and thought it was probably just a nice dress her parents bought her.

Connor and Libby had known each other for a long time, but the dating rumors hadn't started until they had been nominated for king and queen together, causing many people in the school to talk about the blooming relationship. While Libby embraced the rumor, constantly trying to flirt with Connor, he brushed it off. Connor wasn't interested in a girlfriend. She didn't seem to get the hint, as while on the float she scooted as close to Connor as possible, snuggling into his side.

Connor tried to act as casual as possible, but it was clear to everyone something was going on. Connor knew at this rate, he was going to win. He had hundreds of people congratulate him on the nomination, and in such a little town, that was like the envelope was already sealed on his fate.

The two had on their best pageant smiles as they passed the bleachers full of students who would be voting for him and almost rolled his eyes. Don't get Connor wrong, he is very competitive. He definitely wanted to win, but with such an easy competition, he didn't worry about it. Little did Connor know, at the top of the bleachers, in the top corner away from the enthusiastic students all huddled, was the foreign exchange student. Troye, his name, was looking down in awe at the homecoming court. Eyes wide, Troye was in amazement at how gorgeous the Elizabeth K. dress was on one girl, knowing that dress was no less than 600 dollars with all the extra beading she had done on it.

Troye looked down at his lap to the pleated grey skirt he wore, clicking his black short boots, grey thigh high socks coming out of them. When Troye arrived in the small town for his exchange program, everyone talked about the crossdressing boy that had arrived. All anyone talked about for the first week of school was his clothing choices, and how it "couldn't be allowed, could it?".

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