Some day my Prince will Come

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Warnings: dom/sub kind of, slight crossdressing, wall sex, no eating disorder mentions but just to make sure there isn't a trigger there is a lack of food, slight body dysphoria

Words: 3727

Connor woke up in the morning to a maid waiting at the end of the bed. The young girl jumped up as soon as she saw Connor was awake, moving quickly over to him. "Good morning, prince Connor! I ran you a bath if you want it, and your clothes are all picked out. Here, let me help you get a robe on." She said quickly with great enthusiasm, holding the robe out so that Connor could step into it. The girl was wearing the new maid outfits his father had obviously picked out.

Connor knew his dad was hoping he would pick one to marry, knowing it would look good for the whole family if his son decided to marry a common person, especially if it was one of their own maids who worked around the castle. "The love story that everyone will eat up" his dad would call it. The maids all wore black dresses that went down to just below their knees, their white frilly aprons, and the correct black flats. But what was different was these new uniforms were shorter than before, showed more cleavage than before, and had stockings that disappeared under the dresses. In no way were the outfits obscene, but were meant to be more tempting than before and Connor knew this. His dad had claimed that they were in need of the update "to get with the times" he had said, and shrugged it off Connor's questioned him if it was related to marriage at all. Some of the girls began to wear more makeup, do their hair in intricate ways, trying to impress the prince and capture his eye. Others continued to come in with a clean face and hair up in the traditional bun.

Connor in no way was attracted to any of the maids around him, and he was honestly growing tired of the women coming onto him in his own home. He did want to find a person to wed, he was growing lonely, but the desperate women were not what he wanted. "Thank you, Madeline. I can get ready alone but thank you for all the help. You're dismissed" Connor said, and the maid curtsied and answered with "yes, prince" before leaving the room. Connor made his way into his bathroom where the bath was already run. He slipped out of the robe and stepped into the tub.


"Zoe, no! No, I'm going to stay out of his way!" one maid said to another just outside the prince's room. The only difference was, one of them was a male. The only male maid to be precise.  Instead of the dress like the other maids, he wore tight dress pants that clung tightly to his bum, a white short sleeved button down, and a black half vest, that only went fully around his stomach and left his back with just the white shirt, coming around his neck. He wore the same black flats as the women, not that he minded.

"Oh come on, Troye! Meet him! Everyone else has met him! He doesn't bite or anything." Zoe laughed, still pushing Troye towards the prince's door. "What if he is disgusted he has a male maid? I don't want to end my chances of working here on my first day!" He said to the girl. "Troye! Just meet him, tell him who you are, tell him if he needs anything from you that you are always here to serve him, curtsy and leave" Zoe explained. Troye knew he was fighting a losing battle, he was going to have to introduce himself to one of his new bosses at some time, so now would be the best as any. Hopefully it goes smoothly.  "Okay, Zoe fine. Just give me a second alone to do it" she leaned over, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, wishing him luck before scurrying off towards the kitchen.

Troye took a few breaths before knocking hesitantly against the door. He looked down at his feet, waiting for the door to open. Once it did, his head shot up, looking up to the one and only prince, taller than he expected. Connor came to the door with a towel wrapped around his hips and hair wet. Troye's cheeks immediately heated up.  "H-hello, sir-prince. I just c-came to introduce myself." Troye said, voice going up an octave due to his nervousness meeting the prince. He saw the prince scan him up and down, slowly raking over his body. He doesn't want a male maid. He thinks I'm too skinny. He's gorgeous, I can't compare to him, I'm just a poor- Troye's thoughts were cut off when Connor moved to the side, saying "come in" to Troye. "Thank you sir, but I-"

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