Chapter 18: Devesation and Forgiveness

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Glancing in both directions, she suddenly turned around, not ready to face Okon yet.

She hadn't done anything wrong, for crying-out-loud they had poisoned her. Exactly, that is what she would tell Okon, it was the truth after all. Most likely he would understand, or most likely not.

With a sigh she twisted around the beat up car and dove into the tree's hole that to lead to the labyrinth. No turning back now. She glanced at the pollen and dirt on the walls.

Blu, what if I never see her again, what if I never see my second father. What if...

Her thoughts were replaced by the center of the maze she was now in. Taking a deep breathe she found Okon who, it seemed as though, was fixing the time on one of his watches.


He turned around in sheer surprise. "Oh, hello Mia! I see you bring three mushrooms. Where is Book?" He said peering in her basket.

"That-t is the thing."

"What are you talking about?"

"The Book of Tasks, the fairies got it, they poisoned me!"

"You drank the tea didn't you!?"

"Y-yes." A sob almost rippled through her body but she stopped it quickly.

"You! You foolish girl! How could you? I told you not to trust them."


"I don't care! Give me the mushrooms and leave and never come back!"

Sniffling Mia dropped the basket and ran away. Through the labyrinth, out of the tree, and without thinking sprinted towards the Fish's Creek. Her tears dropped inside the water.

Her head was hung between her legs as she hugged herself. She looked up, in the hope that Okon was running after her. But she saw something better.

Out of the water sprouted two water-bursts and they made a ballet of rising liquid that twirled around, made circles, and in the end, spelled Mia in cursive. She smiled and sniffled at the same.

You know what? So what if I don't have the Underworld? My life will go back to normal, just like it used to be. And now I can tell who ever I want. No, I won't do that one, people would think I'm crazy. At least mom and dad are talking. Something good could be in that.

Making her way back to the house she instead of finding her parents smiling and hugging found them looking even more tired and sad-looking.

Her father had just finished hugging and whispering to Johnna now he was approaching Oliver.

Once he was done with Mia's siblings, he took Mia to the side. And hugged her, as he did that he whispered:

"Mia, my Mia. I love you more then you can ever imagine. You know that I hope, and me not loving you isn't the reason I am leaving. I hope you have fun in nature, I hear you spend allot of time out there. Keep on doing that. And don't worry, I'll come back every once in a while to see you guys."

Mr. Smith strolled unconfidently over to the door, Mia still in shook ran over.

"I love you too, Dad."

A sad smile appeared on his face, then he shut the door and walked over to his red truck.

The stairs seemed like a huge obstacle for Mia to defeat before she could get to her room. Apparently her making them talk didn't help much, its probably made it worse. She felt then that she couldn't do anything right. She had failed her task and couldn't help keep her parents together. At least she had Johnna now.

She pondered why couldn't she just get the Book of Tasks back.

Mia smiled once again, content that she had to get that Book. It was all she had at this point, and the next time her father came to visit then they could all go to the Underworld and maybe her parents would make up after a while.

The bed in Mia's room seemed so warm and inviting she just had to crawl inside and realise all her anger through a good sleep.

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An odd prickling feeling erupted Mia nice peaceful sleep.

She turned around swatting away her mother who was probably bringing new that dinner was ready. Although she was in no mood to talk to her. But instead of getting her mother's hand she felt a watch.

Mia's eye's widened as she saw Okon standing on the side of her bed. His tall and unusual body frame looked awkward in her small delicate room. "Okon?" She gasped.

It was a dream, of course it was a dream. Maybe all of this was a dream. Maybe she was still in South Carolina and Mr. Smith hadn't even gone anywhere in the first place.

But her thoughts shattered as Okon began speaking.

"Mia, I have decided to forgive you. But you must come with me now."

"Thank you! Alright give me a second."

"Of course."

She used the restroom and washed her face before going back with Okon.

"Hold my hand." Ordered Okon, Mia was unsure what this would do, but she didn't want to upset him.

With the blink of an eye they were in the labyrinth. Mia was as enchanted as ever.

"Now comes the talk Mia. You have to do something for me."


"Alright listen now. You are the princess but that does not mean your family is royalty. The are simply a group of servants that volunteered to be put up as your family. That means they will be transformed back to the Underworld with you but they will not be your family. They will be what they are, servants."

Mia blinked, hoping that when her eye lids went back up that Okon was laughing.

"No! I will not do that to them! It doesn't make any sense! How come I look like my Earth father then?"

"When we put to into the transporter to the In-between land they changed looks to make it more convincing."


"I’m sorry."

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