The Revenge of Blake and Courtney

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You're still reading? Thanks.... And by the way, Milo is six. And he has a side kick named Olivia who is 7 and helps him rule the world. So, basically, the world is ruled by a six and seven year old. This should be fun!


Blake: * Suddenly turns to Courtney* I remember you....

Courtney: You, like, do?!

Blake: Yeah, it's been a long time *Grins madly at her*

Courtney *Smile fades* I just, like, met you, like, yesterday, like.

Blake: *Pauses for a long time*. Oh.

Nick: Ha ha. Oh, and by the way, Blake, What's that on your head?

Blake: *Looks right then left* Nothing.

Nick: *Pokes it with a fire prong, it falls off*......Oh!Oh! It's one of those things balding old guys wear to cover their bald spots!

Blake: *Looks at Nick* HOW DARE YOU! *Glares evilly at Nick*

Nick: *Laughs* Really, dude, those faces.

Blake: I'm not joking around!

Nick: Then stop making silly faces and get serious.

Blake: What do you mean? I am serious! *Makes more silly faces*

Nick: *Laughs a million times harder*

Blake: *Points at his face* This is my serious face. See here!

Seth: *Sneers*.

Vanessa: That makes you look ridiculous.

Blake: REVENGE!!!

Yvette: Blake, Blake, calm down! We're sorry!

Blake: *Picks up the scissors* You're about to get a hair cut. *Grins*.

Nick: This is stupid.

Blake: You're stupid.

Nick: You're face is stupid.

Blake: *Lunges at Nick*.

Nick: Eek! *Hides behind Yvette* And, Blake, didn't anyone ever tell you not to run with scissors?

Courtney: Like, stop being mean to Blake. Like, not cool!!!

Blake: Come on, Courtney. Let's go get some revenge. *And they storm out*.

Bindi: I wonder what kind of revenge they'll have this time?

Sam: I don't know.

Yvette: *Sighs*.

*Blake and Courtney run back in with a gun, it's fake*

Yvette: Oh.My.God.

Vanessa: *Rolls her eyes* *She throws a piece of popcorn at Blake.*

Blake: *Falls down* Ow,ow, ow,ow! Why would you do that Vanessa?

Nick: Sad, sad. Defeated by popcorn. Not even a whole bowl of them. Just one, itty, bitty, teeny, tiny, itsy, bitsy, piece of popcorn. Sad.

Blake: *Pulls a sling shot out of his pocket and rock* Yaw Haw haw!

Nick: Oh my! *He says sarcastically*

Blake: Yeah, that's right, Nick.

Nick: Actually, I was kidding.

Blake: *Roars* I'm gonna hit you. *Pulls the sling shot back and the rock pathetically hits Nick*.

Nick: Wow.

Blake: That's right, ow.

Nick: No, wow, Blake. I'm impressed you hit me.

Courtney: Oh! Ooh! Let me, like try. So I can, like, get them, like.

Blake: Alright *He gives the sling shot to Courtney.*

 Courtney: *Starts shooting at random, breaking things and knocking stuff over* Grr, like, work!

Yvette: *Gasps* STOP,COURTNEY, STOP!!

Courtney: *Grins* *A rock hits the window* Ha ha!

Blake: Yaw haw haw!

Bindi: Oh my god!!

Vanessa: Wow.

Nick: *Eyes get big at the broken window and items*.


Nick: Colorful words.

Seth: Someone had to tell them.

*Courtney and Blake run out in fear*.

Yvette: Ugh! What am I going to tell my mom?

Nick: Just tell her that Blake and Courtney were in here with a sling shot.

Yvette: I don't think she'll believe that.

Nick: Why wouldn't she?

*Yvette's mom walks in a few minutes later*.

Mom: *Looks around*. What happened in here?

Yvette: Um....Mom, Blake and Courtney were in here and they tried to get revenge or something and they started breaking stuff.

Mom: Oh. Who's Blake? I'l go call Courtney's parents and let them know.

Yvette: Blake's uh....No one Mom.

Mom: Okay...*walks out*.

Dylan: *walks in*

Yvette: *Doesn't even bother to mention the door bell*.

Dylan: What's up dudes and dudettes? *Nods at Bindi, Yvette, and Vanessa*

Vanessa: What the hell?

Dylan: What?

Seth: *Blinks*.

Dylan: Whats your problem, Seth?

Seth: *Blinks again*.

Dylan: *Looks all grumpy*

Nick: Mad munchkin.

Dylan: Shut up.

Seth: *Blinks*

Dylan: WHAT?!

Nick: I don't know, nothing.

Dylan: Yeah, that's right, nothing.

Nick: What's right?

Dylan: Nothing, you over grown toddler.

Nick: Only Yvette can call me that.

Dylan: Guess not, Cause I just did.


Remember, Dylan's character is still kind of developing at this point. He isn't really Dylan right now.

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