Wereworms and Other Crazy Things

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Dylan: *Pedals around in spastic circles.*

Milo: What'cha doin', Dylan?

Dylan: Riding an elephant.

Seth: Is that your attempt at being sarcastic?

Dylan: *Sarcastically* Noo.

Nick: Ooooh. Burn, Seth. *Looks at Seth's face and squeaks* Or drink water...

Seth: *Gives Nick a confused look.*

Dylan: Oh yeah, guys. I got rockets installed on my tricycle. *Smirks* It's so cool it's like ice.

Nick: Yeah...Dylan....the ice is melting.

Dylan: 'Cause I'm hot.

Nick: *Facepalms.*

*Later, everyone goes bowling.*

Dylan: *Gets a gutter ball.* Ahhh! *Rides down the alley on his tricycle and knocks over all the pins before they hear a clunk as Dylan disappears down the tunnel.*

Nick: Oh my.

Dylan: *Comes back.* I hate bowling.

Vanessa: What a surprise...

Dylan: Raaa! *He starts throwing bowling balls around.*

*The police come in and pick Dylan up off his tricycle and escort him out.*

Dylan: My tricycle! Gimme my tricycle!

*The police leave with Dylan.*

Seth: *Looks at Dylan's tricycle* What do you suppose we do with it?

*They leave Dylan's tricycle in the middle of the road to be spiteful.*

Dylan: *Comes back just as a car rides over his tricycle.*

Alfred: What kind of idiot leaves their tricycle in the middle of the road?

Dylan: Me! That's my tricycle! *He throws a bowling ball at Alfred's car.*

Alfred: Hey!

Dylan: *Smirks.*

Alfred: *Drives over Dylan's tricycle again.* Bye!

Dylan: My tricycle! Revenge will be had!

Vanessa: ...Good luck with that, Dylan.

*They all go and see a movie titled "I Am Worm.* *The Setting is inside the main character male, Joe's, house.*

Joe: Mandy, I'm a monster. It's not safe for you here.

Mandy: But, Joe! I love you!

Joe: *Starts to morph.*

Mandy: Oh my gosh! He turned into only his - oh, he's a worm...a wereworm.

-Move ends-

Dylan: *Pedals in on his fixed tricycle and crosses his arms all gangster-like.* Worms are in.

Nick: But I thought you hated everything?

Dylan: I do. It doesn't mean I can't support something.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2012 ⏰

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