Chapter 13: Steph Meets The Dead Brides

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  I said a lot of stuff last night to Leo. I hang out with him for one night and I knew a lot of intimate things about him. Things I don't even want to know. Like the death of her mother. It crushed my heart knowing that story.

When I knew about Esperanza being Leo's mother, I was jealous. I've never really know what it felt like to have a motherly present in my life. Sure I had Constance but that's a different point. I was jealous of Leo having a mother. I was jealous that he experience hugging her, receiving gifts from her. I've never experience that in my whole life.

My feeling was same with Leo. He just knew me for what like 2 days and he already know like half my life. Maybe because he was easy to talk to like Zac but maybe less complicated.

That scene keeps repeating in my mind when I told Leo about Matty a guy that I dated for 3 days only.

Maybe I felt bad that I forced him to tell his secret or maybe it was the sweetness of the sundae getting into my head. Before I know it, I told Leo the whole story.

We were driving down the road just 10 miles till we get back to camp. Leo was already done eating his burger. Man, he eats really fast. Nico's heavy metal music was really getting into my ears so I shut it down. "Leo, have you ever done anything that you're really ashamed of?"

He opens his mouth but stops, "Um, nothing I'm going to tell you just yet."

"Well I have something to tell. Remember the 3-day guy I dated?"

"Yup. Are you really going to tell me the story?"

"Can you keep a secret?" I took out my pinkie.

"My lips are sealed." we did the pinkie swear gesture.

"Well, he's name is Matty, full name Mathew and I thought that he was the one. At least I thought he was."

"What happened?"

"Well for some reason he got bored of me."

Leo's eyes grew wide, "He said that to your face?"

"Not the exact words. Maybe because I was really smart or I don't know. I'm not girly."

"You're not like other girls." He grinned again with that same annoying optimistic attitude of his.

"Long story short. We broke up in that same diner and you know what his excuse was?"

"He's gay?"

"Way worse. He needs to focus on studying and on soccer because he's a soccer player. I don't understand that next details though. He kept saying something about soccer season and scholarship. And then he leaves me with this statement, 'You're a great girl Steph. I just don't know if I'm ready for a relationship right now."

"Douche. You should have punched him."

"I wish I did." I sighed.

Leo looked back in the road. "You could have told me this before. We could have vandalized his house and throw toilet papers."


Day 3 of Doomsday (7:30 am)

The conch horn blew and almost every camper is now full of energy except for me and Leo. After what happened last night, I think we need a day off. Annabeth warned me that demigod dreams are never good. Even though I only got 2 hours of sleep I was able to dream that the Ophiotaurus eat a whole pig in front of me. I shudder every time I remember the Ophiotaurus face.

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