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Lexi's POV

Matt and I got up from the couch and walked to the door. I put a sweater on, in case it was cold, and my converse Matt put his converse on as well.

"Lego'" Matt said

We walked outside and I got the shivers. It was a little cold.

"Lexi...Lexi..Hello?" Matt asked

"Huh? Uh...what?"

"I said Cam and Ashley, huh?" He smiled

"Oh yeah, they so like each other, it's like when ever I see them together they are always smiling! Some day I want to love a boy as much and Ashley does"

I already do, what am I saying?

"Oh aha yeah! Well I already love some one like that" he looked and me and smiled

I faked a smiled at him. He loves someone else?

"Oh tell me about her?"

"Oh she's gorgeous, she has beautiful dark brown eyes, light brown hair, a amazing smile, adorable laugh and one day I hope to call her mine" he looked down and smiled again

He really likes her. Maybe I shouldn't like Matt? He seems to like someone else, so I would be just wanting something I can't get.

"She seems great" I said and smiled at him

"She is" he looked down again

We didn't talk after that, we just walked. We got to his front door and before he walked in he stopped and said "Hey wanna hang out tomorrow? Just you and I?"


"Great! How about my house" he asked

"Yeah I'll be here at 1:00 if not earlier" I smiled

"Sounds good"

We just stood there. He looked at my lips then back at my eyes then my lips and back to my eyes.

I looked at his lips also.

He leaned in.

I leaned in.

And we.....HONK!!

Someone honked there car horn. I turned to the road. It was Cam. Damn him!

"Um..." I said

"Yeah.." He looked at his feet "Bye Lex see you tomorrow"

He walked into his house.

I walked home cause Cam already drove away.

I met Cam at the front door.

"You suck your know that?" I hit him in the arm playfully

"Oh whaaat? was I interrupting something?" He joked "Anyway I can't have my baby sister have her first kiss before me" he said

"Wait what you haven't had your first kiss?" I laughed

"What? Have you?" He asked

"Well no, but I thought you had your first kiss before?"

"Nope my lips are virgins" he laughed, I do too

We walked in the door and my dad and Gina weren't in sight and all the lights were shut off except the kitchen light.

"Well I'm going to bed, night Lex"

Lex? That's what Matt called me.

Is that there nick name for me? Well a shorter nick name then Lexi, cause you know my name is Alexis. What ever idk, I'm just tired I need to go to bed.

I went up to my room. I went to my dresser and picked out some pjs them to my bathroom and washed my face, then changed. I just wore..

•Regular black shirt

•Grey sweatpants

Then went to close my blinds to my window but I saw Matts bed room light on. He was awake still? It's like 12:30, well I guess he got home like 20 mins ago. aha!

I saw him walk across the room in his red American Eagle boxers. I just giggled. He walked back again and I think he was going to bed now cause he shut his light off. I laughed again and laid down in my bed. I just thought about what had happened to day with Matt.

I almost kissed him, and right after he talked about this girl he loved. What if we did kiss? Would he feel anything? Would I? So many questions that will never get answered, ever.

I finally fell asleep.


Heyo!! Thanks for reading guys!

Ilysm all of you!

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