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Lexis POV

Matt parked the car and we walked into Starbucks. We order and then sat down in a booth.

"So what should we do? Where should we go?" Matt asked

"Uh..let's go to the beach...not swim or anything but just...watch I guess"

We walked out of Starbucks and to Matts car.

"First off Virgina Beach!" Matt said


We got to Virgina Beach and it was so beautiful

Matt grabbed my hand as I got out of the car.

We walked on to the sand and I felt it go in my shoes.

"Hold up" I said "I need to take these off"

"Me two!"

We took are shoes off and started walking again hand in hand.

We got to the water and it was just amazing. Probably the most beautiful thing Iv ever seen

Matt titened his grip on my hand. I looked at him. He was looking at me

"Matt it's so beautiful"

"Not as beautiful as you though" he said

I smiled and looked down. He's so sweet.

"Let's find something else" he said

He started to run still holding my hand. I also ran.

We got to the car and he opened my car door. I got in and he shut it then he ran around the car and got in.

"Where to next I asked?"

"Virgina Train route, it also has a great view, you'll love it!" He said

"Okay but (1) how long and (2) I need food" I said

"Uh about 1 hour, and let's go find somewhere to eat"

"Sounds good! But what time is it?" I asked



Matt pulled into this restaurant called 'One Fish Two Fish'

We got a table for two.

"Hello I'll be serving you guys today. Would you like anything to drink first?" The waiter asked

"Could I get a Pepsi, please?" I said

"Yes and for you sir?"

"A coke" Matt said

"Sounds good! Is that all for you lovely couple?" He asked

"No thank you!" Matt said

He then left

"I don't know what I want?" I said

"Me either"


Matt and I are eating right now.

"This is so good!" Matt said about his cheese burger

"I know" I said about my burger

Once we were done Matt had payed and we left.

Matt grabbed my hand a swung it. "So off to the Virgina Train Route" he said

He opened and closed my door and then got in the car himself.

He started the car and backed out of the parking lot.

"So I think after the we see the Train Route we should do one more thing and then go home" Matt said

"That sounds good cause it's probably going to get late, it is already 5:32"

"Yeah! But what should we do?" He asked

"Oh how about Virgina Skyline Drive?"


Matt then grabbed my hand.


We pulled up to the side of the road and you could see this cool looking bridge for the train and the water.. it was all beautiful just like Matt said it would be. I took a quick picture, just like I did at Virgina Beach.

"This is also so beautiful!" I said

"It is!" Matt said wrapping his arm around me

We stayed like that for a while but then got back in that car.

"Okay so it's 6:35 now and it takes about 2 hours to get to the Virgina Skyline Drive" Matt said

"So well get home some time around 9-10?" I asked



Matt started driving and we were off, again!


We got to the Skyline Drive and it was nothing iv ever seen before. You could see anything and everything. You were so high up and you could see mountains and trees and water it was gorgeous.

I took a picture and so did Matt.


Thanks for reading!

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