Chapter One

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A bright welcoming sun greeted me, shining with a gleaming radiance. LA's heat was not going to get me down because today is going to be a hopefully not too disappointing and exciting day. I have an audition... another one. For some unknown reason I feel this one will go better than the last. My acting career has gone on a bit of a rocky road recently, and by recently I mean for the past three years. I am pretty much one of those cliché washed up actors hoping to make it big on the American business. So basically before every audition I get myself into this mindset that hopefully the next audition will be better when I know the results will be the same every time.

I am painting on some concealer to hide the obvious bags under my eyes that are caused from nerves the night before. I style my hair into my usual go to quiff that I hope will be neat enough to be professional but not too neat to be regarded as a snob. While my thoughts play at my mind I slip into some perfect auditioning clothes, not too formal or causal, it is an attire of a button down shirt and really nice jeans. No matter how much I try to cover myself in nice clothes and hair product, none of it can hide my nerves. By now I should be a pro at dealing with nerves considering the number of auditions I attend, nevertheless I am hopeless. I will say I have gotten better but I still end up with slightly awkward sweaty palms and stumble over a word or two. I mostly deliver my lines correctly but apparently not enough to get a decent role. I've managed to get picked up for a few low grade commercials regarding hair products but nothing more. I usually find a way of making money though, enough to live. My roommates Meghan and David are always kind make sure I am stable.

I gather my script that has been read more than I can handle and any confidence I can muster to head out the door, biding goodbyes to Meghan and David before I leave. As I am trudging down the footpath to the probably crabby old building where my audition is being held only a few blocks downs the road, I can't help but wonder why I am even trying for this audition. It's not like it will be really any different to the others. I will just end up disappointed with my performance and not get the part because I am never suitable for anything. I really should just try pursuing another career because at least then I might get a job. But no I continue to go to these auditions with the hope like every time, it will be better, that it will actually work out. That maybe I might be able to get a lead role in a movie and one day act with Jennifer Lawrence, in your dreams Joey, in your dreams. Not even in my dreams because unfortunately for me astral projection doesn't cover that area. If only they could hire me for that skill but I don't think they are able to see what my spiritual body does away from my conscious physical body. It's once experience that I might be able to say is a shear 'talent.'

As I approach the predictable 'cheaper than a load of crap' building I try to prepare myself as usual by adjusting my collar or wiping my hands on my neatly ironed jeans because that's the only thing that is ever 'perfect' about my auditions. I have to admit the waiting room is a bit classier than the exterior of the building. Chairs neatly pressed against the wall, the paint barely cracked and all of the windows are clean. Maybe this was going to be better; maybe this one wasn't going to end up as well, trash like the rest of them. Then again, I am only trying to convince myself.

I sit myself next to a man who seems to be a similar age as me. As far as I assume he is most likely auditioning for the same role as me. Blondish hair and soft brown eyes with soft features he very much resembled the character I so desperately wanted and needed, Christian Tom. The character was a business man who lost his job, ended up in divorce and was trying to piece his life back together by joining a lonely half broken circus where he finds his one true love, a trapezium dancer. I take what I can get; I never mentioned the roles I auditioned for justifiable or normal. A strange yet surprisingly not awkward silence filled the space of the room only containing five equally washed up actors trying to get their life together like I am. Surprisingly the man next to me spoke, directing his attention towards me; his voice was scruffy yet calming.

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