Chapter Three

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Bewildered, stunned, shocked don't even begin to explain how I feel right now. I've done it again, I've gotten my hopes up as high as a mountain for them to come tumbling and crashing down, landing hard on the rocks below. It was silly of me to ever think everything would turn out the way I had hoped it too. There was no brown haired man standing before me but rather an old lady with grey hair and a sliming figure. A smile cracked through her lips before pushing out into a pout, her eyebrows furrowing in pursuit. The gravity of my emotions has come plummeting down until it hit the hard concrete steps. It's taken me minutes to realise I am actually staring at her, mouth gaping open as my arms hang helplessly at my sides. He expression changes again as she senses my disappointment, sympathy plastered on her gentle face. I never noticed before how grey the clouds have turned and how dull the grass seems. I am the biggest idiot I have ever met, and I've met people in the lower class of my industry. Shutting my mouth quickly I inhale deeply, closing my eyes briefly to comprehend the several emotions I am experiencing right now. Disappointment, sadness, confusion, aggravation... It's all just too much.

"How about you come in dear?" the grey haired woman speaks, her voice gentle and calming. What else do I really have to lose? Besides the fact of my overwhelming embarrassment I should accept her offer purely to not come across as rude. She seems so lovely and sweet but she's just... not the person I was hoping would stand before me. I can visualise his unforgettable blissful face, mocking all of my thoughts. What am I even thinking? I have Trevor, a job, some form of life and yet all of my impulses have changed within a matter of hours all because of one stupid dream. The only thing is, he is real and I know he is. I know he's not just a figment of my crazy imagination because I felt a connection. Somehow I don't think 'Joyalot' will help me solve my problems anymore, is it weird to say I feel as though this man can fix everything?

I follow the woman inside; she closes the door behind me after gesturing for me to take a seat on her wide fabric sofa. My eyes drift around her living area, taking in the different ornaments and decorations. Her furniture is classic and priceless, true antique it seems, I almost don't want to sit on the sofa it's so elegant. I can't help but notice the shelves are decked with trophies, picture frames with certificates and random piles of old records. A sweet smell is wafted to my nose as I take it all in, everything because I'm not sure what to do or think anymore.

"You're welcome to take a look," her voice suddenly reaches my ears. Smiling weakly and nodding I feel the sudden urge to know more about this woman. I can feel her gaze on me as I rise slowly from my seat and make my way over to a shelf. The first item that catches my eye is a poster in a simple wooden frame reading 'The Sound of Music, starring Maggie Green.' It is all now clear, every single ornament shoved in every nook and cranny of this home is something to do with music. Whipping my head around I notice a piano peeking through in another room.

Words escape my mouth before my brain catches up, "So are you Maggie Green?" How rude of me! You just can't ask blunt questions like that Joey! I am such an idiot sometimes, actually no, all of the time.

"It's fine to ask me," I now realise she must be reading my expressions clearly, my thoughts are cut off by her voice ringing through the room once more, "Indeed I am young man, I however, do not know your name?"

Oh, that was the first time I had spoken to her. I feel like a lost puppy for I open my mouth and quickly close it again, for whatever reason unable to form actual words. "J-Joey," I stumble, regaining my ability to speak, "Joey Graceffa, I am so sorry to disturb you it's just that," I sigh not wanting to explain my stupidity.

"How about we sit and get to know each other? Tea?" she asks kindly.

I nod my head politely as I watch her quickly shuffle to the next room and come back soon, hearing the kettle whistle in the background. She takes the spare space next to me, lightly tapping her hands against her knees. "So uh," I begin, "You like music? I saw you starred in The Sound of Music."

Don't let the Bed Bugs Bite ~ A Janiel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now