Chapter Seven

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Confusion is the greatest feeling which has terrorized me for as long as I can remember. Things making sense has been something which has always lacked. For the first time, I understand completely everything. Understand why I've been so unhappy, understand why I keep attracting people with bad values, why I've lost jobs why I have been stuck in the same broken record cycle since f*cking kindergarten. Authenticity. Being the person I'm truly meant to be, not wearing sheep skin.

My breath halters in my throat, barely audible. My gut swirls and churns and does about a million backflips because I am staring into eyes I have been longing to stare into for so long. Beautiful, deep blue eyes that wash me over like a blanket wave to comfort me and never let go.

"Joey," Daniel wheezes again.

"Daniel," I choke, tears consuming my ability to speak. He's awake, alive. It's actually him.

"I have waited a long time to meet you," Daniel coughs. His voice is deep and rough.

"And I've waited a long time to meet you."

"I can assure you I have waited much longer, but we will get to that later." Daniel closes eyes in pain. I can tell he is experiencing great sensory overload.

I want to question his words but I know his head must be pounding. I have no words to describe any of this. Something is swirling in the pit of my stomach, and for once, it's good. No. It's f*cking amazing.

Before I know it, Maria is bolting through the door and cupping Daniel's cheeks. I should leave them to some privacy.

"He's the one," Daniel says to his Mother in a hushed tone.

Maria straightens and nods in understanding. She then faces me. So much for not being confused. Maria takes one of my hands and applies gentle pressure in reassurance. Her smile is meek but genuine. Once she releases my hand, she kisses Daniel on the forehead and says she'll be in every day to visit. Surprisingly, she leaves.

"Daniel, I'm sorry I... I didn't expect your Mother to leave like that, did I intrude?"

Daniel smiles gently and weakly motions his hand for me to sit on the bed. "No, you didn't. She understands who you are now, and in time you will too."

I have no words. No words to reply with or to even think in response to any of this. What is happening?

"I know you're confused right now and under great disbelief but please trust me-"

"I do," I quickly intercept.

Daniel smiles before continuing, "Please trust me because it will all come out in time. We were meant to meet Joey Graceffa. This not by any chance."

I certainly feel it too. It's like I've known him my entire life. I have a feeling though the way we're talking about this is in very different contexts. Still, I am so grateful.

"You should head home and rest," Daniel says calmly, stroking my hand.

"I can't. Not when I've waited this long to be with you. I know I don't know you all that well but it feels like I do. I want to know you more. Know who Daniel is. What do you do? Where do you come from? I want to know all those things."

"And you will," Daniel sits up with struggle, "but right now you need rest and I need to rest too so I can get out of this hospital. We are going to have a lot of time together Joey. You don't need to worry about that."

I breathe calmly. I'm not sure how he knows these things. He could just be saying this to reassure me. No matter what reason he is saying these things, it does reassure me. I am about to stand to leave before he briefly stops me.

Don't let the Bed Bugs Bite ~ A Janiel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now