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I twiddled with my thumbs as I stared at the ground. Looking up, Jungkook was leaning against the side of the alley way. He was looking up and down the road, waiting.

It's been a couple of days since him and I became something and now he requested I meet the rest of the gang.

He caught sight of me and smiled gently before reaching for my hands and squeezing them lightly.

"Don't worry, you're safe with me."

I returned his smile and looked down at our hands, slightly nervous and embarrassed.

"I know, but what if they don't like-"

He immediately pressed his lips against mine, shutting me up. He pulled away, ignoring my slight whimper of losing the touch of his lips.

"Don't worry about all of that. I promise, they'll love you. You've already met two of them."

I smirked at the thought of when I first met Jimin and Jin. Before I could continue my thinking, loud shouts were heard from down the street. Jungkook looked to the outside of the alley way and smiled.

"They're here."

I immediately went behind Jungkook and grabbed a hold of the back of his shirt.

The boys turned the corner into the alley way, laughing and picking on each other. As soon as they met eyes with me, they stopped. Each of them looked back and forth from me to Jungkook. Jin pushed his way past the boys and instantly grabbed a hold of me, pulling me into a hug.

"You two are finally together! I was wondering when you would, you're all he ever talks about!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I seen Jungkook give a 'shut the fuck up' expression on his face, Jin released me after Jungkook grabbed a hold of my hand and pulled me towards him.

"Boys, this is Lily. She's part of us from now on, don't touch her. You remember the rules."

He shot a gaze at Jimin, making him slightly blush, all I could do was chuckle to myself.

He pointed towards the tall boy with pink hair, making him step forward and introduce himself. He grabbed my hand into his and shook it lightly.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Namjoon. I'm the leader of these hooligans."

He pulled his hand away and pointed at Jimin.

"That ones name is Jimin. You already know that though, he already broke the rules of not touching you."

Jimin stuck up a hand and waved gently at me while giving me a very cute eye smile, trying to act innocent.

Namjoon looked at him, shaking his head.

"He doesn't have any jams, ignore him."

Jimins face dropped at those words and he stood in front of Namjoon, looking up towards him.

"I have yes jams!!"

Namjoon gently smiled at him before patting him on the shoulder and shaking his head no. Namjoon then pointed to Jin, making Jin smile sweetly.

"That's the mother of this group, don't let him cook around you, he'll shove your face full until you feel stuffed and even then he'll keep pushing food in!"

Namjoon shook his head from memories as Jin looked at him in disbelief.

"Namjoon! You know you love my cooking!"

Namjoon ran an embarrassing hand through his hair before pointing towards the green haired boy, leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. Namjoon sighed at him before looking back at me.

"That's Suga. He's pretty lazy-"

"I heard that."

We looked at the once sleeping boy only to find his face in a stern manor as he glared at Namjoon, only to close his eyes after a couple of seconds. Namjoon shook his head before pointing at a boy that was running around the alley way.


The boy ran towards us and stopped in front of me, only to give me a huge bright smile and take my hand into his.

"I'm your hope, I'm your Angel, I'm J-hope!"

"More like J-hoe.."

We all, once again, looked at the once sleeping boy. His eyes were closed as he pretended to sleep, even though we all heard him.

J-Hope walked over to him and poked his cheeks before getting slapped away by Suga.

"AISHH you're not even asleep!"

Namjoon looked away from them as they started arguing to one another. He then looked around the alley way until he spotted a boy on the ground, holding a rock.

"V, what are you doing?"

The boy looked up, innocently, before giving a square smile and holding up the rock he found.

"This rocks name is Zico!"

Namjoon opened his mouth to say something but instantly bit his lip and returned his gaze to me, pointing his thumb towards V.

"That's V, he's our 4D alien. He's something else, I'll tell you that."

I looked around at all the boys, they had warm smiles towards me, besides j-hope and Suga who were still arguing over who knows what now.

Letting go of Jungkook, I stepped in front of them and bowed at a perfect angle. I rose back up and gave them my warmest smile.

"Nice to meet you all. I'm Lily, please take good care of me."


I think I can finish this soon. Maybe not. I don't know. But I will be working on this very frequently. You all deserve it considering the last two updates I took a long break.

Stay tuned for the next chapter---

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