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I gasped. I saw a figure that resembled Harry Styles, the former CEO of our company. He was wearing a pinstripe suit with his hair swooped over to one side. His big jade eyes reflected the luminescence of the light bulb, filled with surprise and a hint of fear.

"Don't scream." He says, moving his hand to cover my mouth that was an O-shape. His hand is warm, and I stumble back almost knocking over one of the file cabinets.

"But you're- you're so supposed to be dead." I say, but it comes out as whisper. I'm trembling now, my entire body shaking with fear. Was I going crazy? Was I hallucinating?

"Well, how alive do I look to you?" Harry chuckles. He has a deep thick British accent, and his voice fills up the entire room.

"How are you alive? On the news it said that your body was chopped up into pieces" I said more to myself than I did to him.

He looked down at the ground like he was trying to find something to say. He stayed silent.

"Hello?" I grew very impatient. It was eating my insides to hear a valid explanation on to why I'm talking to a person whose body was chopped up into pieces and thrown into a river.

"I-th-the body wasn't mine." he bluntly stuttered.

Well no fucking shit?

I noticed that I actually didn't say that in my head but out loud. Oh well.

"But why wasn't it you?" Okay, that didn't actually sound too good.

"I mean, how are you still alive?"

He looked around. He was opening his mouth like he was gonna tell me why he was here and still alive, when I heard someone opened the main office door.

I stiffened. I looked over to Harry and his eyes were as wide as mine. The secret closets door was slightly open, but not that much open that whoever entered the office, would notice us. It was pitch black where Harry and I were, but I could still make out who the black figure who entered the office was.

I steadily focused my eyes on who walked in. It was Alex.

Alex? what was he doing here? He left hours ago when he told Zayn and I to sort the files for the raise.

He seemed frantic. Like he was in search of something and he couldn't find it. He flipped through the files in the desk draw. I thought he was finally gonna leave out the office but he took a turn in actions. He turned towards the closet.

I silently panicked. I turned around to look at Harry. He wasn't where he was. He probably got the idea to hide.

He was 2 feet away from the door. I made the decision to come out.

Alex stumbled back quickly, startled because he wasn't expecting to see me.

"Violet? Is that you?" I hear him clear his throat before he answers.

"Yes. Sorry the papers that you gave me told me to get a file from this room?" I tell him uneasily. Why was Alex here? He told me that this room wasn't used anymore, so why would he be coming back here?

My heart is racing in my chest as I twirl a piece of my thick hair. This was a nervous habit I had, whenever I wasn't at ease my hands would find their way to my mane of hair.

"Oh yes, I forgot about that. In fact that's what I came in here to look for. Here give to me, you don't need it." Alex walked over to me quickly, and practically snatches the file out of my hand.

"Well, I'll be leaving now. Thanks for helping me out with those papers again. Goodbye Violet." He says. I nod my head, too shaken up to respond. 

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