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You know that feeling when you wake up and you're just like "I can't wait to go home and sleep"?

That's how I woke up that morning.

I groggily got out of bed and groan, I was hungover. I really didn't want to go to work, but I had to. I need the money. I've only been here for a few months and I'd already been late for my payments to my landlord every single time. I am absolutely positive that she hates me, I happened to get unlucky and get the room right above hers. If I dropped anything on accident I would hear a loud hammering and "Shut up!" In the apartment below me.

I go in the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was all over the place. I was debating if I wanted to straighten it or not.

As I grab the flat iron and the memories from last night flood my brain. I remember everything Kelsey told me about Harry and Alex. I shiver almost. I fear  facing Harry today, but it had to happen. This was the second morning in a row I had felt like this. I hated keeping secrets so much.

At this point, my hair was all done and straightened. It was a little under my shoulders straightened.

I check my phone. I still haven't gotten a text from Zayn which I is what expected.

I slip on my work clothes and grab my purse, little handbag that I keep my work things in, and my car keys.

I turn on the radio before I start driving. As soon as I turn  it on, Justin Bieber starts playing. I want to kill myself on the spot right there. I quickly turn off the radio.

People like him annoy me, they didn't have to work for hardly anything, and they would get everything.

When I arrive at the building I worked in, my heart is thumping again in my chest. Harry, Harry, Harry. That's all I can think about. I've learned so much about him since the last time I was in this building, but I still yearn to see him. I was crazy. I mean I must be crazy, right?

I bite my nails nervously in the elevator that smells of cigarettes. This is just a normal day, I tell myself over and over again in my head. Nothing has really changed.

Except a man who was supposed to be dead is living in a room behind our bosses desk?

I force these thoughts deep back inside my head so I can deal with them later, as I walk into the room. I look around for Zayn, and I see him at his desk with his head down. I giggled under my breath. I walk over to him and sit down, being careful to not make too much noise.

"Violet, please kill me." Zayn groans, turning his head to the side to look at me.

"You're going to have to do that yourself! Maybe if you didn't get drunk off your ass last night  you wouldn't feel like shit." I joke. I knew this was going to happen.

"Please kill me. It's either me or I kill the next person in a cubicle who talks too loud." He says, turning his head back to face down.

I pull his head up by his hood. He looked beyond tired, he barely even got dressed. he was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. He wasn't going to make me do all the work like he did last time.

I unload all my things from my bag, and organize it on my desk. I begin typing away on my terribly slow computer. I didn't know exactly what I was doing, but I needed to distract myself from my own thoughts. I stop when I feel Zayn's eyes on me.

"Are you alright?" Zayn asks me, looking surprised at my worth ethic.

"Yeah, why?" I ask him.

"No you're not. You never work like this. You spend like 3 hours staring off into the distance and then maybe get some work done. Are you on something?" He asks again, sitting upright with an actual look of concern on his face.

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