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When I get home later that night, my heart was racing. I want to scream, cry, laugh, smile or something. I hate and love this feeling.

I remember when I was a little kid all I wanted was to be was a detective. I always loved investigating things and solving mysteries. As I got older I realized I wanted to be an investigative journalist, but then life got in the way and I ended up where I was.

I can't sleep that night. All I can think about is Harry, his tall frame and his gorgeous emerald eyes that made my heart flutter. I wondered what Harry must've done to make Alex despise him so much. I mean, to threaten him like that, to kill him? I was frightened for Harry even though I hardly knew him. I remember his calmness, and how it calmed me.

The more I thought about it, the more I wondered what the hell I was getting myself into.


The next morning I get a phone call. It was Saturday morning and I could hear the pitter patter of the rain on the window pane of my apartment.

"Violeeeeet!" I hear Zayns voice sing from the other end of the line. He was a talented singer as well, he was fantastic at everything if I was being honest.

"What?" I groan. I knew what he was calling me about. I walk around my apartment, running my hands along the walls and staring out the windows.

"Li and I throwing a party, you should come. It'll be epic." Zayn says, and I snort.

"You say that every time." I tell him, smiling.

"But they always are." Zayn laughs. When I had met Zayn I was worried he was far too cool for me, but now we were good friends. "So you'll be their?" He asks.

I decided that I needed a break. Everything had been so crazy yesterday and I needed to have fun and relax.

"Okay." I sigh, and then I hung up.

The rest of my day was uneventful. I did some work, watched movies and read like how I usually spent my Saturdays. Zayn was my only friend, and he was usually busy so I spent most of my time alone.

Not that I minded, I loved being alone and spending time by myself and my own thoughts.

Once it got to be around seven I started to get ready. I looked in the mirror and groaned, I looked messy because all I did was lay around all day. My hair was frizzy and tangled and yesterday's mascara that I hadn't fully removed hung around under my eyes.

I hopped in the shower, put on a black dress, some makeup, and fixed my hair. I liked my appearance, which had taken me long to. As I've gotten older, I've learned to love my dark brown skin, my big lips, my thick curly hair and the stretch marks on my thighs. They are a part of me, and I wouldn't be me without them.

I drove my to Zayn and Liams house, it was dark outside and it was starting to get cold. It was November, the time of year in Chicago where things went from chilly to freezing in an instant.

I pulled up into their driveway, and I see cars filling up the streets. I sigh, I knew it was going to be one long, crazy night. I wondered how they had so many friends, but they seemed like the type that made friends wherever they went.

I walk in and I hear loud music playing, and I cover up one of my ears. I hated loud music.

I see Zayn standing in the corner talking to someone. I move my way through the crowd of people to get him.

"Violet! I thought you would change your mind!" Zayn welcomes me loudly, pulling me into a hug.

"Yeah, I thought I'd swing by. Isn't a little bit early in the night to be this drunk Zayn?" I joke. I could tell by the way he spoke and how he was acting he was beyond wasted.

"Never too early. Here, drink this." Zayn says, passing me a cup with a vodka shot in it before disappearing.

Oh well, if I'm going to be here I might as well get drunk, I think to myself while I down the entire cup. I wrench my face after drinking it, I forgot how disgusting vodka tasted.

I'm left with the girl Zayn was just talking to. She was a brunette with bright blue eyes.

"Hi, I'm Kelsey." She says sticking out her hand, catching me off guard.

I felt dizzy from the vodka I didn't feel like meeting someone new at the moment.

"Uh, hi I'm Violet. Nice meeting you, I have to use the bathroom." I say awkwardly, then stumbling off to the bar they had in their house.

I always found myself alone and drunk at these parties. Well usually by the end the night not alone, but I wish I had more friends. Zayn usually disappeared at the beginning of the night.

Some guy sits down next to me and starts talking, I wasn't really listening to anything he was saying at all. I smiled and flirted politely.

"Hey, do you want another drink?" He asks, and I nod my head. I was alone once again.

I see the girl from earlier sit down across from me. After a while more people came and sat down as well. The boy bringing me a drink came back and sat next to me.

"Let's play truth or dare." Someone says, and I groan. Was he serious?

"Please, none of us our high schoolers." Another one in the group say, and I nod my head in agreement.

"It'll be fun. We're drunk so it'll be fun, I promise." He says.

I don't really pay much attention after that. I watch everyone around me gradually get more intoxicated, the dares getting crazier and crazier until people were puking and passing out on the floor. Whenever it gets around to me I pass, I didn't want to get involved.

It was idiotic, the entire thing. People getting drunk and then spilling their secrets that they didn't have the courage to say while they were sober. Although the it was stupid, I found it fascinating. No matter how drunk I got I can never be able to say certain things.

Eventually it gets to Kelsey.

"Okay Kelsey, tell us your deepest darkest secret." Someone says from across the room.

She giggles, she was obviously very drunk. Was she going to answer it?

"I know who killed Harry Styles." She hiccups, then covers up her mouth immediately.

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