-12 *

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oops, we haven't updated in a while, sorry but thank you for almost 1k reads! this chapter also had smut at the end so if you don't like that then skip over!! also it's my first time writing scenes like that so if it isn't that good sorry. more updates will be coming soon- georgia 💞

It was his father, I had no doubt about it. I was left speechless, no idea what to say. He acknowledges that I'd frozen right in front of him, arches his eyebrow and begins to speak.

"You seen Harry?" He asks, his voice a slur with alcohol fresh on his breath. What the hell did he mean, have I seen Harry. I start to have a small panic attack inside my head. My hands shake a bit, unable to deal with the fact that I was standing in front of the man that resembled Harry. I don't respond, unsure of what he means or what he wants me to say.

"What're, you deaf? You seen Harry?" He says louder, and I take step back. What a fucking mess this man was. Some people around us turn to look at him. I still don't say anything.

"Harry's dead, you drunk idiot!" Someone yells from a few feet away. The man was obviously confused as to why he was here in the first place, and he probably wasn't here for the entire service. Or any of it at all. Harry's father looks at me up and down, shakes his head, and then walks; more stumbles away. When I look up from my shock, I notice he's heading towards the area my car was. The car that Harry was in.

Harry's POV

Sitting in the car was hell, nothing short of that. I tapped my foot impatiently, thinking of how I would much rather be dead in that casket than sitting here, in this god forsaken passenger seat. Fuck, I don't know what I expected from coming here, the same boring people that had been around me my whole life were displayed in front of me; like they equated my entire living. I just knew that I needed be here, I would have driven myself crazy if I had stayed at home.

I see Gemma in the distance, her hair is a purple and I can't quite make out what the expression on her face is. My hands shake with how shitty I feel. She was alone now, my Mum was gone and now she believes that I am gone. My father is a piece of shit. I might as well had already have been dead to Gemma, I hadn't called her or seen her in years. I guess I must get it from him.

I try to calm myself by thinking about Violet. God, she looked stunning in her dress that she was wearing, she was the most beautiful and woman that I had ever seen. I have been trying so, so, hard not to fuck things up with her. Violet is far too good for me. I fucked everything up was Kelsey, and I had treated her terribly. I'm terrified that once she figures out what happened between me and her, how I used her, she'll leave me.

I see a man walking up to the car, and I could barely make out his figure. I duck down before I catch a glimpse of a man, a man that I knew too well to be a stranger. It was my father. I recognized his drunken stumble, his dead look that always covered his face, and his vacant eyes.

How fucking dare he, come to his own son's funeral, fucking drunk, I think, my blood pumping throughout my body. It surprised me that I still got angry. I had been silent so many times before. I remember when I was younger, the beer bottles he would leave on the tables at night. How he would leave at midnight, go to the bar and not come back until 4 or 5am. My mum used to cry a lot, and I mused to think that her heartache is what killed her. I would always stay silent, I would read in my room from the books that were on the shelf in my hallway. Always quiet, and listening. I wish I hadn't, I wish I fucking hadn't.

I can't contain my anger any longer, and I duck out of the car not even looking around to see if anyone else was around. I didn't care. I knew I promised Violet that I wouldn't leave, but I needed to do something. I couldn't just sit here. I clench my fists and head in the direction my father was walking to.

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