Chapter 5

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"Camille's almost here." La Mar said.
I don't know why I felt so nervous. She was just an ex girlfriend...and maybe the mother of my children. I got another drank and sat down on the hotel bed.

"What if Bella and Camille start scrapping?" La Mar asked and began laughing.

"That's not funny man." I said but started laughing myself. I couldn't help but to imagine them fighting, Bella would definetly lose that one.

"Forreal though, what are you guys gonna talk about?"

Just then Bella walked in the room.

"Whatever comes up I guess." She sat down on the bed next to me. I didn't need her to be a pain in the ass today. I was about to tell her that but Lamar interrupted.

"Camille's here. She's on her way up."

I finished my drink as I stood up and began making my way out to the living room area. A few more drinks and I can get through this.

I leaned against the side of the elevator and played with the buttons on my shirt. Watching as the numbers as they went up...45...46...47...48...I suddenly felt nauseous. I didn't want to reach the 50th floor now, but it was too late. The doors opened to a penthouse foyer and I stepped out looking around.
"Wow..." I said to myself.
No one was there to greet me, so I followed the voices I heard until I got the huge living room area filled with the crew. La Mar, Hyghly, Hawk, Cash, Tony, Belly, Stixx, Henny, Freddy and of course a few girls. I didn't see Abel.

"Milly!" La Mar smiled as he walked up to me and gave me a hug. "Long time no see." He was the only person I'd ever let call me Milly.

I hugged La Mar back and smiled at everyone "Hey guys.." I wonder if they knew why I was there. Before I could ask, Abel came out from the kitchen with a drink.

"Hi Abel." He stood there staring at me for a second before answering.

"Hi Camille." I sighed, knowing this was going no where any time soon.

"Well...yall wanna be left alone?" La Mar asked.

"Uum yeah. Can you guys give us a few?" Abel answered.

"If you need us we'll be on the deck." La Mar said as he and the crew left.

"You wanna sit down?" Abel asked as he pointed to the couch or the table.

"Sure." I walked over to the table and sat down, he sat across from me so we were sitting face to face.

" have you been?" He asked as he poured himself another drink.

"I've been doing fi-" I cut myself off as I watched a girl walk past us with a glass and sit on the couch. "I thought everyone left?"

"Bella." No respone. "Bella!" He shouted.

"Hmm?" She turned her head to look at us.

"Can you give us a moment? Please." He asked her.

"Ooh im not listening to you guys." She turned the TV up alittle bit.

"Oh she's a bitch." I whispered under my breath as Abel turned back to me.

"I'm sorry about her...she's a brat sometimes"

"Is brat really the word you're looking for?" I laughed and she turned the TV up louder.

"Bella! Turn the TV off and Get the fuck out! I'm trying to have a conversation!" He was heated.

I couldn't help but laugh as she got up and turned the TV off, pouting the whole time as she made her way around the corner to the elevator.

"Anyway...." Abel sighed then continued. "How are you? The twins?"

"We're fine."

"What are their names?"

"Ava and AJ." I smiled a little bit.

"Can I see them?"

"Sure.." I pulled my phone out my purse and handed it to him, showing him a pic of the twins on their first day of pre-school.

"Wow." he stared at the picture for a while.

"You can scroll theres more." I thought AJ looked just liked Abel, I wondered if he would notice too.

"They're cute." He handed me my phone back and drank from his cup again.

"Thank you." I took my phone back and put it back in my bag.

"Camille..." He leaned forward on the table looking at me, his eyes were glossy.


"Those kids are mine?"

"Yes...they are."

"I kinda don't think they're mine."

"What are you implying?"

"That maybe you cheated."

"Really Abel? I was the faithful one in our relationship." Bringing up our relationship made him uneasy, I could tell by the way he was moving in his chair.

"Thats a damn lie. We both cheated!"

"What the hell are you talking about?!" I think he was just trying to piss me off, and it was fucking working.

"For all I know those could be Hyghly's kids!" He shouted across the table.

"What the fuck Abel? AJ looks JUST like you!"

His words were starting to slur. "And Hyghly kinda looks like me, so now what?"

"Abel you're drunk and I'm not gonna talk to you like this. You're being irrational."

"Fine don't talk to me. But I still want a DNA test."

"Alright Abel." I shook my head as I got up from the tabel and made my way to the elevator trying to contain myself. What exactly did I expect from Abel? He ain't shit. He hasn't ever been. So I didn't know why I was so upset. Fuck, I was going to kill Tia for starting all this shit.

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