Chapter 42

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After spending another day in meetings and rehearsing for hours, I was exhausted and more than ready to finally go home.

As soon as I stepped in the door, I saw Cami picking up toys in the living room.

"Hey, are the twins already sleep?"

"No, they just went to lay down."

"Ooh good."

I dropped my stuff by the door and went upstairs. Ava and AJ were laying in bed watching some kid shows.

"Daddy!" They both hopped up and gave me a hug. "We missed you!"

"I'm sorry, I wanted to come home early but I was super busy."

They climbed back into bed and I laid down in between them. We watched a few episodes of Winnie the Pooh and some other show about a princess or something before they got tired and were ready to fall asleep.

"I love you guys."

They answered simultaneously. "We love you too."

"Did mommy tell you I'm leaving tomorrow?"

AJ nodded. "Yeah, she said you have to go sing and stuff."

"That's right. I'm gonna be gone for a little while but I promise I'll call and FaceTime you guys every single day so it'll be like I'm still here."

"How long will you be gone?"

" two months. I'll be back in April and we can go on vacation or something before I have to leave again."

"Oooh can we go to Lego land?" Ava smiled big. "Or Disney World?!"

"Maybe." I smiled back. "I'll talk it over with your mom."


When we finished talking they went back to watching Disney until they fell asleep. I staid there for a little while 'cause I didn't wanna wake them up but just ended up falling asleep too. I was going to miss them so much.

The morning:
The whole ride to the airport Cami was silent. I tried talking to her a few times but she just brushed me off every time. I wanted to let it go but I couldn't leave with her mad at me about something and not knowing what it is.

I pulled her to the side so we could talk away from everyone else.

"What's going on with you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You're not talking to me. Are you mad about something?"

"I...." She shook her head. "Nevermind. It's dumb."

"Tell me."

"I just...I don't want you to go. I know you have too but..." Her sentence trailed off as she started crying. "And I didn't wanna cry 'cause I don't want the twins to get upset..."

"I'm sorry." I pulled her closer to me and wiped the tears from her cheek. "I know two months seems like a long time but-"

"I don't want you to forget about me and the twins."

"I could never forget about you guys. You're my everything."

"What if you find another girl that's prettier than me? Or likes to party like you do? You won't leave me?"

"I promise you I'm not going anywhere baby."

She nodded and let out a long sigh. "I'm sorry for getting so emotional."

"You don't have to apologize. I know you're just nervous about me leaving, and you're thinking the worse right now. But the distance and the time between us won't change my feelings for you."

"I love you."

"I love you too." I kissed her forehead. "You okay now?"


I took her hand as we walked back over to everyone else. The whole crew, my mom, Ava and AJ were all there.

"Mommy why are you cryin'?" AJ asked as we approached him, Ava and my mom. "Did you get something in your eye?"

"Yeah..." She shrugged. "It was just an eyelash."

I hung out with them for a few more minutes until a guy came off the jet and said we could start boarding. The crew went ahead and got on but I had to say my goodbyes before I did.

"Be safe honey bun." My mom said as she pulled me into a hug. "And call me every day."

"I promise I will." I hugged her back and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Will you do me a favor?"

"That depends. What is it?"

"Will you stay with Cami and the twins until it's time for them to go home?"

"Ooh of course I will."

"Thank you."

I gave her another hug before bending down to talk to Ava and AJ.

"You guys remember when I said I'm coming back?"

They shouted out. "April!"

"Yup, and then we can go on vacation. But until then I need you guys to be on your best behavior for mommy and give her kisses for me every day. Can you do that?"

They both nodded.

"Good." I gave them each a hug. "I love you Ava and AJ."

"We love you too daddy."

I stood back up to say bye to Cami now and it was clear that she was trying her best to hold back tears.

"The time will fly by so fast, you won't even miss me that much." I gave her a hug and she wrapped her arms around me tightly.
"I promise."

"I'm gonna call and FaceTime you everyday and I'm gonna snap you, and send you DMs on instagram and twitter, and text you and send smoke signals."

I laughed. "If that's what you gotta-"

Cash stepped off the jet and shouted to me.

"I hate to break up y'all little love fest but we gotta go Abel!"

She sighed and let me go. "Bye Abel."

"Stop pouting so much." I gave her a kiss. "Don't forget-"

"Abel we gotta go!"

"Alright man, damn!" I rolled my eyes before continuing on. "Don't forget to open your present when you get back to New York."

"I won't."

"I love you Camille."

"I love you too."

I gave her another kiss before Cash came and literally dragged me away from her and on to the plane. I took my usual seat and Lamar came and sat next to me with a drink in his hand.

"You know what man? I'm proud of you."

"For what?"

" 'Cause you found out about Ava and AJ and wasted no time getting a test so you could be part of their lives. Then you miraculously fixed your relationship with Cami and y'all are a little family and shit. Like just think about it, not too long ago Cami hated your ass, now she's crying 'cause you're leaving, that's crazy." He shook his head. "But anyway what I'm tryin to say is I'm glad you did the right thing and stepped up."

"I'm glad I stepped up too, I feel like they made me a better person."

The pilot came over the intercom to say we were about to take off. I laid back in my seat so I could take a nap, but I couldn't get my mind off Camille and the twins, but I didn't mind 'cause I missed them already.

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