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The heart is a myogenic muscular organ that is responsible for pumping blood throughout the blood vessels by repeated, rhythmic contractions. The question is, why do people always have to blame the heart whenever we feel the coldness of pain? When solitude enters we always say that our heart is empty or it is wounded. If only our heart can talk then maybe it will tell us how tired it is for accepting all the blames even though it's not really his fault.

I have a story to tell.. It may not be an award winning story which can be turned into a film and collects million and millions of money but it's a story that is really felt by my hypothalamus.

I was sitting under a tree, with my back leaning against the tree trunk. This was my most favorite place, an isolated stairway to heaven: actually it was just an ordinary stair to reach the rooftop with some trees behind it. I was enjoying my private time, with books on my hand and the soft music of my IPod. I love reading so much: I always read books for my past time. It was very dark but the sun is just starting to set and it was very silent and all I can hear are the memories in my mind.

I was just an ordinary 16 years old girl. I had black hair which fell down below to my shoulder. I usually just let it loose because I'm not a girly type of girl. Some people think that I'm weird and yes I am. I'm 5'4 tall, not too tall yet not too short. I had pale skin, but not a beautiful pale skin and sometimes when the sun touches my skin it turns into bright red; it was more like the color of sick people's skin. I had a pair of charcoal eyes but it was actually a little bit of hazel when you stare right through it and that's what I love most about me. There's nothing special about me, I don't even know how to swim even though i grew up near the the ocean. I was just an ordinary snappy girl who don't care how Romeo met Juliet and why the hell Rose jumps off the boat just to be with Jack in a sinking ship.

When i was a little girl (younger than my age) i used to hate the birds because they wouldn't allow me to fly with them in the sky. At night, I love to dance with the moon together with the stars smiling at me. My mom? She is my best friend. She's just 18 when she gave birth to me. It's her time to be a free teenager and enjoy life to the fullest but she's holding a tiny baby in her hands with her tears rushing down to her cheeks. My Dad? he is my superhero whenever my life turns to zero. I have the perfect family and i wanted to keep it until the hell freeze to death but we all know that nobody's perfect and i can't have everything....

MR. L.O.V.E enters and my tears can't be wash out with a single candy or a delicious ice-cream..

Authors Note:
First. I want to apologize for not updating the story immediately. I'm having a little bit of problem lately when it comes to writing. Mental block everywhere. Second, Thank You for spending time reading the story and I promise to update as soon as possible.

PS. Comments about the story are well appreciated and votes will really make my day. Thank You so much :)

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