Chapter Forty One

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Chapter Forty One

As quickly as I can, I grab my two suitcases from the cupboard in the hall. I take them into my room where I proceed to place them on my bed. I walk over to my closet, yanking out all of my clothes and placing them messily into one of my suitcases. After all my clothes are packed, I start to put all my other things in the other suitcase.

My shoes. All my books - let's just say, I'm a huge book nerd. My photo frames. My makeup. My perfume. My movie collection. The charger for my phone, laptop and iPad. My chocolate/food stash. My toiletries from my en suit. And all the other bits a pieces lying around my room.

It doesn't take me long, maybe fifteen minutes, for my room to be fully stripped bare. Everything gone. Even the bed covers. I zip up my two suitcases and my other small bag which is holding things like my laptop, iPad, earphones. That sort of thing.

I hear heavy footsteps on the stairs and I start to freak out. I can't let her know I'm leaving. She will try to stop me. She might get violent. More violent then before I mean. I quickly throw my long, wavy blonde hair in a pony tail, just as she opens the door to my room.

"What the hell is all of this?" she spits at me as she points at the bags on my bed.

"It's my things," I say quietly while playing with my fingers.

"Why are your things packed into bags?" she yells while taking a step towards me.

Out of habit I take a step back from her, "Because I'm leaving."

"Leaving? You? You're leaving?" she laughs.

"Yes, I am," I mutter while I straighten myself up, trying to make my small 5'1" frame seem slightly bigger.

"You think you're leaving this place? It's not like you have anywhere to go anyway. You have no friends, no family. No one. So be my guest. Leave. But don't you dare come running back to me when you can't support yourself," she growls viciously while stepping closer to me every couple of words.

I can smell the alcohol on her breathe. I can taste the cigarette smoke that is wafting off her. I can see the millions of stains all over her clothes. The clothes she hasn't changed in weeks. I can feel the sweat dripping down my back, making my hands slippery. I can hear her ragged breathing as she stands close to me.

And then a pain shoots up my arm and a stinging starts on my cheek.

Five seconds was all it took. Five seconds of me losing my concentration gave her five seconds to hurt me. I watch her walk out of the room before I look down at my arm, my jaw dropping even more when I see the large gash on my arm. She cut me. Then she slapped me.

That's when all the pain catches up to me. I fall to the ground with a thud, probably bruising my knees in the process. Tears form in my eyes and spill over my waterline quicker then they came. I watch as the blood drips from the large gash on my arm, down the pale skin of my arm and onto the floor. 

I watch as it pools around my hand which is lying slack on the floor. I can't help but stare at the cut. I never thought my own mother would hit me, let alone cut me with a knife. But boy was I wrong. And damn was Louis right. He was right. I should have gotten out of there after the first incident. But no. I was stupid and didn't listen.

Suddenly I hear the doorbell ring downstairs. My heart rate starts to pick up. Louis is standing on the other side of that door. He is only down the stairs and behind a door. That is all that is standing between me and him. 

These past four months have just Since the moment I got that accidental message to right now, I've been in love with him. I just didn't know it until now. Every time he calls me love, every time he calls me babe, every time he calls me Mim, it makes my heart race.

I quickly remember the gash on my arm. I jump off the floor before running to the bathroom in the hall. I open the cupboard and find the first aid kit. I grab the hand towel and place it over my arm, soaking up the blood, as I look for the gauze and the bandage. When I find them, I quickly take the towel off before replacing it with some gauze. I then wrap a bandage around my arm, covering the gauze, before securing it with one of those metal things.

I leave the towel in the sink, she can deal with it herself, before walking back to my room. I put the bag on my shoulder and grab one of the suitcases before taking it down the stairs. I leave the suitcase and the bag at the bottom of the stairs before going back upstairs and grabbing the second one.

As soon as all my things are down stairs, it all hits me. I'm finally going to meet the guy I've been talking to for months. I'm finally going to get see what he looks like. I'm finally going to hear his voice for the first time. I'm finally going to be able to be in his arms.

My whole body starts shaking as I take tiny steps towards the door. He rings the doorbell again, getting impatient at how long I'm taking. I try to hurry up and take bigger steps but I can't. My body won't let me. It wants to hold onto this moment for as long as it can.

I finally reach the large dark wooden door. I take a deep breath before reaching up with a shaky hand to open the door. When the door opens my eyes almost bug out of my head. My jaw falls open and I fall onto my knees again, tears forming in my eyes.

All those funny moments of us laughing about my love for him. All those times I talked about how much I love him as a person. All those times I told him how much he saved my life. All those times I told him how much I owe to him. He read all of them. He really read all of them. Every single one of them.

"L...Louis?" I stutter, my voice cracking.

"Ummm hey Mim," he smiles sadly while scratching the back of his neck.

Oh. My. God.

How did I not put the pieces together? How could I be so stupid? How could I trust someone I had never met or even seen?

"Louis?" I say again, trying to convince myself it's a dream, "As in Louis Tomlinson?"

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Well, here we are everybody. We have reached chapter forty one. Did it live up to your expectations? Did you all like it?

Can you all tell me how much you liked it in the comments? I'd really like to know what you think.

Alright, the next chapter will hopefully be up tomorrow.

If you really like this book, maybe you guys could head over to my account and check out my other book like this one.

Direct Message - A.I

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~ TJ xoxoxoxo

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