Chapter Seventy Seven

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Chapter Seventy Seven

"What do you mean Mimi?" Louis asks me, an emotion that I can't place, causing his voice to shake.

"I mean, what am I doing in your world Lou? Everything is a drama and I know that I won't be able to handle it much longer," I confess.

"You do belong in my world though Mimi. You belong with me. You're my princess. My world. My love. And I know that everything is a drama but that's just because the boys are, well, drama queens most of the time. But it's also because of the circumstances," Louis mumbles while brushing his fingers over my cheek bones.

I feel myself smile as his words rock through me, "God I love you Lou."

"I love you too Mim," Lou whispers before placing a gentle kiss to my lips.

Before I have time to kiss him back, he pulls away, leaving me sticking my bottom lip out in a pout, "Lou."

"Don't pout princess. The wind will change and you'll be stuck like that," Louis smirks but then I swear I hear him mumble something under his breath, "Not that I would mind."

"What was that Lou?" I laugh.

His blue eyes burn into my own as he smirks, "Nothing. Don't you worry your pretty little head princess."

I feel the butterflies as they erupt in my stomach as his silky voice reaches my ears. I feel the blood rush past my ears as my cheeks heat up a subtle red colour. I feel the smile on my face grow just the tiny bit bigger at the effects he has on my body.

"Why princess, are you blushing?" Louis teases, his smirk growing bigger by the second.

"No," I lie as I pull the covers up over my head, hiding my red face from my boyfriend.

"Yes you are. Don't lie to me!" Louis exclaims as he pulls the covers away from me.

I feel him wrap his arms around me before he rolls over so I am lying on his chest. My nose is touching his as I stare into his beautiful blue eyes. I place my arms on either side of his head, leaning in just the little bit closer so my lips are hovering just above his own.

"Don't tease me princess," Louis groans and now it's my turn to smirk.

"Nope, you go to tease me. No now it's my turn," I say while shaking my head at him.

"No, please," he pleads while pulling out the puppy dog eyes.

"They don't work on me Lou," I lie, trying not to crack.

"You're lying Mim. I know you are because your ears are turning red," Louis laughs.

I huff in annoyance. I can't believe he already knows how to tell I'm lying, "Fine. Okay."

Louis cheers quietly before a smirk forms on his perfect lips, "Since you lied to me princess, you owe me a kiss."

Sighing I lean down and place a small kiss on his lips, savouring the feel of them on my own, before pulling away. I see the frown on Louis' face and I begin to wonder what I did wrong. Am I not a good kisser? Does he not feel the same way he used too?

"Princess, what was that? I said no more teasing," he says, the frown still on his face but I can hear the joking tone in his voice.

I let out a sigh of relief, my whole body relaxing now that I know he was joking. Shaking my head at him, I rest my head on his chest, listening to his heart as it beats steadily in my ear. I close my eyes, letting the steady rhythm of his heart calm my body.

"I love you princess," Louis mumbles as he presses a kiss to my hair.

I snuggle closer to him, breathing in his scent. With the sound of his heart beat, his fingers running through my hair and the quiet humming of one of his songs, I feel myself slowly drifting to sleep. That's when the door creaks open.


Liam. Why can't he just leave us alone for five minutes. I'm sick of him butting in and taking control of everything. Yes, he may be my brother, but that's only by blood. He's never been there for me. And the times that he has tried to act like a perfect big brother, well, they haven't gone too well.

"What do you want Liam?" Louis whispers icily.

"Is she awake? I need to talk to her?" Liam asks, ignoring the tone in Louis voice.

I was thinking about opening my eyes but now that I know what Liam wants, there is no way that is happening. I refuse to talk to him until he apologises for everything that he's done. And when I say apologise, I mean beg for forgiveness.

"No, she's asleep. And anyway, I would rather that she doesn't talk to you," Louis replies coldly.

I hear Liam sigh before replying, "Lou, I want to talk to her. She's my sister. I should get the right."

"No Liam. You lost that right when you made me stay away from her. You lost that right when you barged into the house and told us to stay away from each other. So no Liam, you don't have the right."

"You can't control her Louis," Liam spits.

"I'm not controlling her Liam. I am protecting her from you. Obviously you don't know exactly what happened when we weren't on talking terms. It broke her heart Liam. She was devastated. She would wake up screaming from the nightmares every night. And I couldn't even be there to comfort her because I was to caught up listening to you and trying to protect her."

"You can't protect her from everything Louis!"

"Watch me Liam!" Louis spits.

There is a moment of silence before something starts to vibrate on the bedside table. It starts to play a ringtone and I finally recognise it as my phone. My whole body stiffens in Louis' arms, probably alerting him that I'm awake, but I couldn't care less right now.

"It's her mum," Louis gulps.


Cliff hanger central right here ladies and gentlemen!

Okay, first thing on the agenda today. I have officially started writing the sequel. As of right now, the first chapter has been written. I decided that because school starts soon and I will have to get ahead in my chapters since I won't have as much time on my hands, that I should start writing the sequel.

I have also been debating sharing the name of it with you guys. I want to know if you think it's a good idea or not. Comment in the comments what you guys want to do.

Second thing for today, there is only 23 more chapters left of Wrong Number left guys! I know, I know. It's so sad. I'm very sad about this but I am also pumped to start the new book. I don't know why, I just am.

Thirdly, WHO THE HELL CALLS THEIR KID SYDNEY RAIN! LIKE DA HELL IS LOUIS ON? I HAVE NO IDEA BUT HE MUST BE INSANE! I mean, it's not as bad as it could be but really. Come on. Why would you name your kid after the weather in a city?

QOTC: What do you think of the name that Louis and Briana apparently called their baby boy?

If I am being completely honest, I don't really like it. Like think of it this way:

Me: Hi there, what's your name?

TomlinSON: Sydney Rain.

Me: I didn't ask for a weather forecast in Sydney. 

I mean, I did read that somewhere and I'm sorry if I stole it from one of you guys but it's actually so true. Like, not even lying. That is 100% accurate.

Anyway, rant over.



~ TJ xoxoxoxo

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