Chapter Sixty Eight

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Chapter Sixty Eight

I watch as Liam gulps, small beads of sweat beginning to form on his forehead, "What do you mean I have some explaining to do?"

"Don't act like you don't know Liam! I know what you said to Louis. Did you ever think to stop about my feelings? No of course you didn't," I say, anger infused in my voice.

"That's what this is about?" Liam questions.

"Obviously," I spit.

And then, out of all the possible things he could have done, he starts laughing. Not just a small chuckle or a light giggle, he is full blown laughing with tears in his eyes. I am literally resisting the urge to slap him.

"Why the hell are you laughing Liam? This is not funny!" I yell.

"Because it actually is funny. You're mad because I was looking out for you? That actually is hilarious," Liam laughs.

"What has gotten into you Liam?" Harry asks quietly.

And then, it's as if he finally realises that the other boys are here too. He stops laughing, wiping the tears from his eyes as he sobers up, "Oh, uh hi. You guys been standing there long?"

That's all it takes for me to slap him across the face. The loud noise of skin slapping skin surrounds us all, sending us into a state of shock. Never, in my life, have I resorted to violence. It reminds me too much of my mother and how she abuses me. But for some reason I hit him and I instantly regret.

All the anger that was running through my body is suddenly washed away by the guilt that has taken over. I can feel the tears building up in my eyes, threatening to fall over my waterline. My hands are shaking like crazy as I try to hold back my sobs.

"I'm so sorry Liam. I..." I stutter over my words, turning around to run, but instead a pair of strong arms pulls me into a warm chest.

It doesn't even take me a second to realise that it's Louis. Just the way his arms fit perfectly around my waist. The smell of his cologne as it lingers on his clothes. The sparks of electricity that run through my body as his skin rubs against my own.

"Shhh, hey, it's okay sweetheart," Louis mumbles against my hair as I sob into his chest.

"It's not okay," I sob, my tears staining his shirt, "I hit him. I. Hit. Him Louis. I just..."

But I can't finish my sentence because the tears are too much for me. I can feel my knees shake as they struggle to hold my weight up. The sobs that escape my mouth are a mix between desperate howls and heartbroken whimpers.

I don't want to turn into my mother. I don't want to be the woman that abuses her children. All my life I have tried my hardest to never resort to violence. I have tried my hardest to never abuse someone with words or with actions. And here I am, after everything that has gone on, slapping someone across the face.

I feel my knees buckle as they give way. But before I can fall to the ground, I feel an arm under my knees as I am picked up by Louis. I wrap my arms around his neck as tightly as I can, scared that he will disappear right from under my nose.

I am scared that after all of this, after finally finding out the truth, that he will disappear. That he will just vanish and I will never be able to see him again. That I will never be able to hear him whisper in my ear, his breath blowing across my skins, sending shivers down my spine.

I'm scared that I will never be able to feel his skin against my own. I'm scared that the fireworks that I long to feel will disappear forever. I'm scared that I will never be able to look into his beautiful blue eyes and tell him that I love him.

"Shhh, sweetheart. You're okay. Let's go back to my place okay?" Louis coos as he strokes my hair.

I nod against his chest, loving the feel of his shirt against my face. Louis says something but I'm in my own little world, my thoughts consuming me. I try to ignore the nagging voice in my head that is telling me to run before I hurt someone else, but it's hard to push away.

I hear myself whimper against Louis' chest as a fresh wave of tears escape my already red and puffy eyes. I bet I look great right now. My eyes read and puffy. My blonde hair a mess against my head. My cheeks stained with tears.

"Mimi," Louis mumbles, "Please, look at me."

I slowly open my eyes and look up at Louis, my green eyes meeting his blue ones. I see the slight smile that appears on Louis' face as I look up at him. I want to smile back at him, but I can't. There isn't enough energy left in me to respond with something as happy as a smile.

"I'm so sorry Mimi. I'm so sorry that I lied to you and told you that I didn't care about you. It killed me every time I said it. It was like I was being stabbed over and over in the heart. I hated it. But I didn't want you to get hurt. I know what the fans are capable of," Louis sighs as a rogue tear escapes his eye.

I reach my shaky hand up to wipe away the tear that is rolling down his pale cheek. I watch as his cheeks heat up with a light shade of red, my hand resting on his face to feel the warmth. And after all of it, I feel a small smile form on my face.

"I forgive you Lou. It may have hurt but I understand why you did it Lou," I say quietly.

"I love you so much Mimi," Louis mumbles as he moves a little bit closer to me.

"I love you too Louis."

And that's all it takes for him to press his lips to mine.

Soooooooooo. Not much I need to say to explain this chapter... ^_^


Actually, Mouis sounds so stupid. Have you guys got any other ship names for them?

WRONG NUMBER IS #29!!!!!!!!!!!!



I'm just, yeah. Thanks so much guys!

QOTC: Are you happy that they finally kissed?



~ TJ

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