Chapter Fifty Two

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Chapter Fifty Two

"Mimi, why didn't you tell me it was this bad?" Louis sobs onto my shoulder.

"I, well, I guess I just didn't want to burden you with stuff like this. I mean your life is already hectic as it is, do you really think you need me to add to it?" I sigh.

"You are not a burden," he says sternly while pulling back, keeping his hands on my shoulders. He looks me right in the eye, his blue eyes shining with unshed tears, "You are not a burden Mim. You are anything but. And to tell you the truth, I care more about you and keeping you safe then my job."

"You do?" I ask, shock clear in my voice.

"Of course I do. And you could never make my life more hectic. You make it less hectic if that's possible and you telling me things that's gone on in your past isn't going to change any of that."

I look down at the floor, feeling as if I'm going to cry. But this time they aren't out of fear. They are from happiness. And I haven't felt this way in a very long time. Not since my dad died anyway. I was mad at him for leaving me when I was five but the moment I saw him again four years later, that feeling just vanished and was replaced with complete and utter happiness.

Not only was I happy, when I was with my dad I felt safe. My mum couldn't hurt me when I was with him. But then everything got worse. He got very sick very fast. I barely even got to spend two months with him before he passed away. It broke my heart, and to make it ten times worse, my mother decided that I was the reason he passed away so she beat me to the point where I ended up in hospital of an apparent gang fight gone wrong incident. 

I feel Louis' finger under my chin, lifting it up so I can look into his eyes, "Don't cry Mim. Please don't cry."

"For once Lou," I mumble around the lump in my throat, "These are happy tears."

"They are?" he replies, sounding extremely shocked but also relieved. 

"Yes. They are,"I cry before throwing my arms around his neck.

Louis slides his arms around my waist, pulling me as close to him as possible. I let his scent run through my body and his warmth cover me in a blanket of security. I tighten my arms around his neck, imagining how I would feel if I lost him. How I would feel if he left me.

We stay like that for longer then deemed normal but I need it. I need the comfort that his arms offer me. I need to feel safe, the way I do when I'm around Louis. I need to be reminded that someone is here for me, no matter what happens.

"Come on sweetheart. Put your shirt and shoes on and we can go and see if the other boys want to go get something to eat," Louis says while pulling away.

I look up at him as he brushes away my tears, his thumb running gently across my skin. I send him a small smile which he returns before placing a kiss on my forehead and turning to walk out the door. I watch him leave before turning and pulling on my shirt. I grab some socks and my black low cut converse and walk out the kitchen.

I sit in one of the chairs and put my shoes on before pulling my hair out of its messy ponytail and running my fingers through the blonde strands. I sit there for a few minutes before Louis walks around the corner wearing some black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt.

"Hello beautiful," he smiles at me, making me duck my head as a blush covers my cheeks.

I hear him laugh lightly before he crouches in front of me. I look up at him only to see a smirk on his face, "No. No smirking. It's not fair."

I place my hands over his mouth, pushing him away from me while we both laugh. All of a sudden Louis stop fighting me and he leans backwards onto the floor and because I was using all my strength to push him away, I don't have time to stop myself from flying forwards and landing on top of Lou.

"Owww. Mimi, what was that for?" Lou groans while placing his arms around my waist to stop me from getting away from him.

"What was that for?" I exclaim while trying to wiggle out of his grasp, "You were the one who pulled away without telling me. It's all your fault."

"My fault? Hmmm, well Mimi, you do know you shouldn't have said that," he says, an evil smile on his face.

And then he starts to tickle me. I let out a little squeal and try my best to get out of his grasp. As I continue to squirm and laugh as Lou tickles my sides, he rolls us over so I'm underneath him. This means there is no escape considering he has his whole weight on my legs.

"Not fair Lou!" I try to say between giggles.

"What do you have to say for me to stop Mim?" he says while laughing at me.

"I'm not saying it's my fault because it wasn't."

"Well then, I'm not going to stop," he smirks.

"It was my fault! It was my fault!" I yell out, giving in.

"Good girl," he says quietly while he stops tickling me.

I let out a sigh of relief, calming my breathing down. I look up at Lou with a frown on my face but when I see him staring at me, a weird look on his face, my frown goes away. I watch as his hand reaches up and brushes my hair out of my eyes, his hand lingering near my cheek.

"Lou," I whisper.

"Yeah Mim," he whispers back.

But I don't know what to say to him. Instead I reach up and place my hands around his neck, pulling him down closer to me. He puts his elbows down near my head, leaning forward so our noses are almost touching.

I can feel his hot breath blowing across my face. I can smell his aftershave while it mixes in with his cologne. I run my hands through his brown hair, loving the feel of its silky strands against my fingers. I look into his blue eyes, feeling myself get lost in them.

"Hey Mim, what did you want to ask me?" he whispers.

"Nothing important Lou, trust me," I mumble back to him.

We're both silent for a moment before I see him start to lean in closer. I close my eyes as he gets closer, inch by slow inch. I can almost feel his soft lips on my own when we hear someone clear their throat above us.

HEHEHEHEHE! I am so evil it's funny. I could just see your faces in my mind as I wrote this. 

Now, please don't yell at me. It's all a part of the story... :)

QOTC: Would you rather live in the Harry Potter world or live the life of fame and wealth?

That's a pretty hard choice actually but I would choose fame and wealth because I could meet all the celebrities and then I also wouldn't have to worry about Voldemort killing me so yeah.



~ TJ xoxoxoxo

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