Chapter Sixty Six

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Chapter Sixty Six

*Louis' P.O.V*

I watch as Mimi and Niall walk out the front door, Harry trailing behind them even though Liam didn't tell him to leave. I think he knows that Liam will make him wait outside so he can talk to me. About what? I have no idea. But obviously it must be important because Liam has his 'more serious than usual' face on.

"What do you want Liam?" I ask as I turn to face him.

"What do you call that?" he asks as he gestures to the spot where Mimi and I almost shared our first kiss together.

"Ummm, I would have called it a kiss but obviously it was't because 'someone' had to interrupt,"I laugh bitterly.

"I call it stupid!" Liam exclaims.

Stupid? Me? No way. I am not stupid. An idiot? Yes, I can be sometimes but I'm not stupid. So why he is calling me stupid right now I have no idea. All we were going to do was kiss. I was really looking forward to having her soft lips on my own for the first time but, of course, Liam had to interrupt.

"I'm not stupid Liam," I protest,even though Jimmy is the only one who can.

"Yes you are Louis. Do you not understand was kissing her could have done?" Liam yells.

"Damn, no need to yell Li. I was just going to kiss her, you know, because I love her," I say, stating the obvious. 

"Well you can't Louis. You can't do that," Liam sighs.

"And why not Liam?" I ask, sass taking over my voice.

"Because, can't you see Louis? Have you not seen the way she breaks down crying for no reason? She is fragile Louis. Like a piece of glass. You can't be with her," Liam says sadly.

Yes, obviously I have noticed the way she breaks down in tears, but not for no reason. If Liam knew the real reason why, he would be very shocked. He probably wouldn't be saying the stupid stuff he's saying right now either.

I let out a sigh as I take a seat on the cold tiles that line the floor, "Liam, I know she's fragile. I know she is. But that doesn't explain why I can't be with her. I love her Liam and I want to be with her."

"I know you love her, but that's the problem. Have you not thought about the consequences of dating her?" Liam questions.

"What do you mean by 'consequences'?" I ask, confusion in my voice.

"If you start dating her Lou, she will get hate. She will have fans telling her that she isn't beautiful. She will have fans who will tell her that she doesn't deserve to be with you. She will have fans that will tell her that she should kill herself Lou," Liam deadpans as he crouches down next me.

Of course Liam would think of that. Of course the fans would ruin it. I love our fans dearly, I really do. Without them, I wouldn't be where I am today. But sometimes, I really dislike them. Especially when they ruin every relationship I'm in.

Every time I date a girl, we start off a secret. We keep it from the world for a little while. Then when she thinks she can handle the constant flashing of cameras in her eyes and the hate, we go public. It's okay for a while but they always break down. It always gets too much for her and they end up leaving.

That's what I hate most about our fans. They can't let us be happy. They can't let us be with the girl we want to be with. They always have to step in and have our 'best interest at heart' and ruin any relationship we are in.

And I really hate it because it means I have to be careful with the girl I'm with. I can't start dating a girl who was bullied in school or who has suicidal thoughts because it just makes everything ten times worse. So I don't know how it would go with Mimi.

"I see you're point Li but maybe Mimi can cope with it," I argue, even though I know it probably isn't true.

"Louis, she freaked out when Niall held a knife in his hand to cut his sandwich. Do you really think she could deal with fans telling her to kill herself?"

And like usual, Liam is right. He is right in saying that she won't be able to deal with it. I know that she won't. Every time we go out, she will come home in tears because the fans will be yelling and screaming and some of them won't be very nice.

If I'm being honest, this isn't the life for her.

If I'm being selfish though, I think I could help her through it. I think if she really loved me enough, we could get through the hate together.

"I guess you're right Li. But maybe I could help her through it?"

I know I'm grasping at thin air. I know that there is no way around this. I can't be with here because this life will be too much for her. As much as I love her, I'm not going to get to be with her because my fans will ruin it for us.

"I'm sorry Lou. I know you love her but we both know that the fans will rip the relationship apart. They always do," Liam sighs.

"How do I do it Liam? How do I tell her that I don't care anymore?" I cry, tears coming to my eyes at the thought of hurting her like this.

"You have to act like you don't care anymore Lou. Push her away. Make her think that you don't love her. And if anyone asks, you says that you just don't love her anymore," Liam mumbles as he rubs my back comfortingly.

Do I want to do this? No. Do I want to keep her safe? Yes.

So what do I do? Do I push her away an act like I don't care or do I just ignore every Liam said and let it play out my ear? I have no idea.

"You aren't going to ignore what I said Louis. If you don't do it then I will tell her that you don't love her anymore and you will have to deal with her. I'm not letting you hurt her anymore," Liam exclaims as he stands up ans walks out the front door.

I'm so sorry Mimi.

So so very sorry.

Last chapter for today guys. So now you know what went on Liam talked to Louis. I think that these chapters have been long overdue. How long has this 'hate' between Mimi and Louis been going on? Like ten chapters through of lies. That's way too many, ngl.

So my friend @xPerfNiallx has started writing a new book and it's really good. You guys should go check it out, I'll leave the link under here.

QOTC: What do Louis is going to do now that Harry knows the truth?



~ TJ xoxoxoxo

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