Chapter Forty Four

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Chapter Forty Four

"So Mimi, if you aren't Harry's girlfriend then, how do I  say this without being rude? How did you get here?" Liam asks while taking a seat on the couch.

"I...uhh-" I'm cut off by Louis.

"She's my friend," I scoff at the word friend, receiving weird looks, "I brought her here to stay with me and Harry for a while."

"Friend? Louis, you want to use the word friend? How about you tell the boys the truth about our 'relationship'," I spit while placing air quotes around the word relationship.

I watch Louis gulp as Liam and Niall look over at him, "I, well. It started when I accidentally messaged Mimi about four months back and because I'm an idiot I decided not to tell her who I was. That went on for four months and today she finally found out who I was when I went to get her. So now she hates me."

I'm glad he didn't lie to the boys. I don't think I could handle another lie coming out of his mouth. Those four months of my life were enough, not knowing who he was and then finding out only because I was in danger and needed him.

"Wow Lou. You really are in deep," Niall laughs while simultaneously glaring at him.

"Louis, how the hell could you do that to her? She seems like a very lovely girl and you lied to her and broke her trust," Liam says as calmly as possible.

"I...well. Ummm, I don't know," Lou stutters.

I stare blankly at him, shocked at his response. I can't believe that when he finally has the chance to explain himself, when he finally has a chance to tell me why he lied to me for four months, he doesn't. He wastes it. The only thing he says is 'I don't know'.

"I can't believe you!" I spit at him.

Everyone's heads turn to look at me, shocked that I am finally talking. Finally using more then one word. Finally speaking above a whisper. Louis' eyes go wide at my words, his mouth opening and closing slowly as if he wants to say something but he can't.

"I can't believe that when you finally have a chance to explain yourself, to try and fix the damage you've done, you just blow it off like it's nothing. I don't for one second believe that you ever really cared about me at all," I hiss before standing up and walking into the kitchen, my eyes filling up with tears. 

I sit down at the table, leaning my elbows on the cold glass and resting my head in my hands. I let the tears fall down my cheeks leaving trails on my skin. He didn't care about me. He never did. And it was clear the moment he didn't try and explain himself.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I just about jump a foot in the air, letting out a scream in the process. I look up and see Harry standing with his hand on my shoulder. Behind him is Niall and Liam, both with sad looks on their faces.

"Hey, it's alright. Don't cry, yeah?" Harry says quietly.

I nod at him, not trusting my voice at the moment. I watch as the three boys take a seat around the glass table. An awkward silence fills the room, the boys having no idea what to say to me. I don't blame them to be honest. I mean they just heard me yell at their best mate.

"Alright, I can't take this anymore!" Niall sighs, "I'm sorry Louis lied to you Mimi."

I just shrug my shoulders at him. It's not his fault so I don't know why he's saying sorry for him. The person who should really be saying sorry is the brown haired liar in the next room. But we both know that that won't happened. He doesn't care enough to try and bandage up the wounds.

"Mimi, I don't know what to say that will cheer you up except that Louis is a douche. I know that much. And trust me, he's my best mate so me saying that means that it must be true," Harry laughs, trying to lift the tension.

It works though. A small giggle escapes my mouth and a bigger smile forms Harry's face. He's probably just glad that he could cheer me up, not the fact that what he was saying he is true and I knew it. Because it is. Louis is a douche. That much I knew.

"So Mimi, how come you're staying here with Harry and Louis?" Liam questions.

My whole body stiffens and Harry jumps right in, not wanting more tears to slide down my cheeks, "Uhh that is not something we are going to talk about right now. That will just make things more emotional. We don't want any more tears tonight."

I send Harry a look that shows him how grateful I am but I also mouth 'thank you' to him. He nods his head, sends me a wink then grabs my hand under the table. I feel him squeeze it in reassurance. At least I know Harry has my back. For now.

"Liam," Niall whines.

"Niall," Liam whines back.

"I'm hungry," he cries.

I laugh quietly to myself, "When are you not hungry Niall?"

Niall looks over at me and fake glare, "When I'm eating."

Harry, Liam and I share a look before bursting into fits of laughter. I hear Niall huff as we all continue to laugh at him. My head falls onto the glass table causing me to laugh more. I feel the tears come to my eyes, both from the pain of hitting my head and from laughing so much.

"Oh god Niall. I don't think I have laughed this much in a while," I say between breaths. 

"Me neither," Harry and Liam say at the same time.

"This isn't funny! I'm still hungry guys!"

"Then make yourself something to eat," I say.

He huffs before standing up and getting a bunch of different items from the fridge. I watch as he starts to make himself a sandwich, with almost everything in the fridge. After he places the other piece of bread he reaches into the draw and pulls out a large knife. And that's when everything goes downhill.

I start screaming as I see the glint of the light on the shiny silver surface. I fall off the chair and crawl backwards on the ground to get as far away from the knife as I can. I watch the other two boys scamper from their chairs in fear and confusion.

Niall starts to step around the counter, the knife still in his hand. That's all it takes for me to find my voice, "Get away from me. Get that knife away from me. Please don't hurt me."

I watch as looks strangely at me before placing the knife back on the counter. I let out a sigh of relief as the knife is no longer in his hand, but I keep it in my sights in case on of the boys moves towards it.

"What's wrong? I heard a scream?" I hear Louis ask urgently as he comes into the room.

"I don't know. I got out a knife so I could cut my sandwich and Mimi freaked out," Niall says sadly.

Louis looks over at me, a scared look on his face, before he walks over and crouches in front of me. As mad as I may be, he is the only one who knows. He is the on who was there for me. He was the one who saved me. Right now, I need him.

"It's okay Mim, I'm here now. She can't hurt you," he mumbles while placing his hand on my cheek.

And for the first time in my life, I believe him.

WOW! This chapter is actually heaps longer then my chapters usually are. It has like and extra 300 words! 

Oh hey guys, I was just wondering if you would like to go and check out my new book that I started last night. It's called Pen Pal and it's a Harry Styles fan fiction. The link is underneath.

QOTC: Whats is your favourite story on Wattpad?



~ TJ xoxoxoxo

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