Chapter Sixty Seven

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Chapter Sixty Seven

*Mimi's P.O.V*

I use the towel to dry my hair as I walk out of the bathroom. I can hear voices up in the lounge room and I know that Louis and Harry must be up there. I walk back into my room and hang my towel up before pulling my hair into a cute messy bun.

I throw a pair of black socks on my cold feet before walking out, closing the door behind me. As I head down the hall I begin to hear their voices clearer. As I reach the doorway, I decide to stay on the other side and listen to what they are saying, even though i know it's wrong.

"What's to tell?" I hear Louis say, "I've told you everything."

"You haven't told me why you are suddenly acting like this though Lou," Harry exclaims.

There is a moment of silence before Louis speaks again, "Harry, I want to tell you, trust me, I do. But I can't tell you this. You will call me stupid or think I'm crazy and I can't risk that."

"I won't boobear. I promise you. I just can't stand you acting like this anymore. I can tell this is pulling you apart, as much as you deny it," Harry states and try to stifle a giggle as he calls him boobear.

"I know. It's killing me to act like this. I hate hurting her like this but in the long run, it will be better," I hear Louis say quietly.

"So you still care about her?" Harry questions.

Does he? I want to know but part of me doesn't. I think part of me is scared that he will say yes but the other part of me is scared he will say no. What if all this time we all thought he was lying, he was actually telling the truth? What if he never actually cared about me at all.

"I've never stopped Harry. I'm so in love with her, you have no idea. All I want is to be able to kiss her and call her mine but I can't!" Louis exclaims.

I feel my breath catch in my throat at his words. He loves me. He still loves me. So everything he said was a lie. An act. But why would he tell us all that he doesn't love me when he really does? That's what doesn't make sense. Why would he lie about something like this?

"Why can't you do that?" Harry asks, confusion etched in his voice.

"Because, if we start dating, when the fans find out all she is going to get is hate. That's all any of our girlfriends get. And I don't want to do that to her. She is fragile enough, imagine if she got hate. It would hurt her even more!"

I can feel the tears in my eyes at his words. He doesn't want to be with me because he knows that the fans will hurt me. That they will hurt me more than I already am. It all makes sense now. He is acting like this so I don't get hurt. He is protecting me by pushing me away.

"So you don't want to date her because she will get hate and it will hurt her even more? That's why you're acting like this?"

"It's the only way to keep her safe," I hear Louis mumble.

"Who told you that Lou? Don't lie to me now Lou. Just tell me," Harry says.

What does Harry mean by 'who told you that'? Does he mean that Louis didn't come up with this on his own? That makes no sense though. The only person who has talked to Louis since we almost kissed is-


Liam. So Liam is the one stopping Louis and I from being together. No wonder he knew that Louis would act the way he did. That explains the smug look on his face as he saw the tears in my eyes after I talked to Lou. It all makes sense now.

"Liam told you that? Why would he do that?" Harry demands.

"Because, he's daddy direction. All he cares about is keeping us all safe. That's why he told me what would happen if Mimi and I dated. And that's when I realised that he was telling the truth. Imagine how much more it would hurt her to have some fan say she isn't beautiful or that she doesn't deserve to be with us?" Louis cries.

Suddenly, it's as if my body has a mind of it's own. I can't stop myself as I walk into the living room, tears running down my cheeks, "Liam told you to act like this?"

Both of the boys snap their heads to look at me, obviously shocked by my sudden appearance. The first person I see is Louis, and he looks terrible. He has tears running down his cheeks and his hair is tousled, small tufts poking up around his head.

"Mimi?" Louis sobs.


Before I can talk again, I turn around and head towards the front door, "Mimi where are you going?"

"To talk to Liam," I spit while opening the front door.

Before either of the boys can stop me, I slam the door behind me. I march down the hall, my footsteps heavy on the carpeted floor. I pass Niall's front door right before it slams open. When he sees me walking past, my face red and angry, he stops short.

"Mimi, where are you going?" he asks carefully.

"To talk to Liam," I snap.

I continue down the hall, ignoring Niall's protests until I am standing in front of Liam's front door. I swiftly knock on the front door before crossing my arms over my chest in annoyance. A few seconds later I feel a presence next to me. When I turn my head, not only do I see Niall, but I also see Harry and Louis.

"What are you three doing here?" I hiss, anger still coursing through my veins.

"Don't do this Mimi," Louis says quietly.

As I am about to reply, the front door swings open and I see Liam standing there, sleep lacing his features. Good. I'm glad I woke him up from his oh so important nap. When he sees all four of us at his front door, confusion crosses across his face.

"Umm, hi?" Liam says as he sees my angry posture.

"Liam, you have some explaining to do. And you better tell the god damn truth," I spit.

I'm over all these lies. I can't take it anymore. It's time to get some real answers.


Well isn't this a pleasant surprise. So I wasn't going to update again today but since this chapter was already written, I decided I would update since you are all so eager for the next chapter ^_^

And not to mention, I found out that I have my first hater. I didn't even know that comment was there until I saw a comment from someone saying that they shouldn't hate on the book.

I want to say thank you to @twilightluvr101 for sticking up for me and the book. I really appreciate it. I want you all to know, even if there are people out there telling me to delete my book or even if I didn't like this book anymore, I wouldn't delete it. I wouldn't do that to you guys cause I know how much some of you look forward to an update on this book.

QOTC: What are your thoughts on the book so far? Are you pumped for it to end and the sequel to begin?



~ TJ xoxoxoxo

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