3. The Boy's that didn't come back

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So comment and vote and I don't know, enjoy


Stef xoxo


The bell chimed for morning lunch and everyone headed out of the classroom. Maybe it had something do with the fact that we had just spent the last two and a half hours completing a full analysis on William Wordsworth, but either way, everyone was gone, leaving only Dax and I behind.

Dax quietly finished a sentence in his notebook before closing, taking a breath in and out before giving me his attention.

It was the first time he had even acknowledged me after, well, after the incident.

“So,” his voice was cold, unlike his cheery attitude that was so present in his voice before.

I nodded, and folded my book shut, crossing my legs and brushing my skirt over my legs, taking out the creases in an attempt to cover the awkward atmosphere that hung over us like the clouds on a foggy morning.

Dax groaned, elbowing the table with a hollow sound trying to get my attention this time, “Look, Avery, just, pretend that it didn’t happen okay, just nothing happened alright”

“Okay,” I focused on small lint on my skirt, picking it between my fingers and shrugging with a sideways smile.

“Let’s go get something to eat, yeah?” He asked, standing and holding out his hand.

I looked up at that moment, marvelling at his face.

Dax had a soft mop of hair flowing gently around his face, hugging his high cheekbones which were blushing a relaxed red colour. His lips were in a pout of some sort, a pink as he waited for me to take his large, outstretched palm. But the strangest part about him was his eyes. Dax had the sweetest coloured eyes, a lilac colour, too unnatural, but all so natural at the same time.

It only took me a few seconds to realize the words that left my mouth, “Are those your real eyes?”

He looked taken aback, but he only nodded, dropping his hand at the moment that I stood.

“They are so pretty, unlike anything I’ve ever seen before, they are almost, magical” I smiled, a blush forming, I could feel the heat on my face.

Dax stuttered, “Uh, thanks I think,” but the way he said it was strange, like he didn’t really mean it, like he didn’t believe it himself.

“They really are, Dax, they are something”

“No, they’re not!” I stood frozen, my eyes wide.

His hand covered his eyes, as the other cupped his neck, rubbing it awkwardly, “I just, sorry, Avery, I just I hate my eyes. They’ve seen things that I wish I could never have seen, they just remind me of the past, a time I don’t want to revisit”

There was nothing to say.

“So, where is that lunch you promised me?” I grinned and took his arm, tugging him along with me out of the room.

Dax gave me a light smile, following me with shuffling with sore feet as he stumbled a few paces behind.

“Hey there, stranger” Hazel walked out of the room, a look of confusion cast against her face as she took from side to side, glancing at Dax and I, trying to figure it out.

“Haze, uh, my face is here” I pointed in the general direction of my face, raising an eyebrow as I watched her snap out her trance and follow my hand up to my face.

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