7. Hypothetically Speaking, Possibly

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“What do you mean your mom is sick?” Colby asked, as he stepped forward and cupped my face against Ari’s chest.

I shook my head. Something came over me, for a split second that forced me to tell them, but I didn’t want anyone to know. It seemed that the only person that I trusted misused my trust.

“Tell me, Avery, what’s wrong with her?” Ari said his voice deep with concern.

I didn’t want him to be concerned, or worried, I was fine on my own.

“Let me down”

They all watched me; even the twins had dropped their small smiles for crossed brows and a frown. Dax slithered behind them, his eyes shaking softly.

“Ari, please, just let me down” I buried my face in his chest, my actions contradicting my voice.

He nodded and put my down slowly, his hands lingering on my waist for a little longer than was needed.

They all stepped away from me, their hands behind their backs, and eyes averted.

“I’m sorry, I’ll go”

I didn’t hear them follow as I made my way down the hall, because I knew they wouldn’t. There were some things that you just don’t nag people on, and this was one them.

“Wait, Avery” It was Dax.

I sniffed and turned as he came over, his hand caught in my hair as he leant down. His lips touched my forehead softly, brotherly, “Let’s get out of here, you’ll feel better”

I shook my head, “Nothing but time will make me feel any better. But thanks anyways”

“You need a friend”

“I have you, and Colby and Cade and Hugo and Ari”

“No, now. Let me come with you”

My fingers intertwined with each other, and I gave a small nod, “Only you”

He stopped my hands and intertwined his fingers within them, looking down and smiling at me, “Only me”

I smiled.

Dax stepped against me, pulling me down the hall, and leaving the boys waiting behind us. I knew they wouldn’t come, Dax probably told them not to, and if it weren’t that, it would be my asking for only him.

When we got into the classroom, not the most ideal place I wanted to be, but nonetheless,  I sat down and he took the seat in front of me.

“So do you want to tell me what happened?” He asked, his chin propped under his hand.

“Not really” I moved so that I was in the same position as him.

Dax laughed, moving his hands so that they were behind his head now, “Go on, tell me”

I pouted, “The reason I let you come with me was because I thought you, of all people, wouldn’t ask me anything”

“Me of all people? What, am I a new kind of person?”

“Please don’t. I just, I just want someone to say that everything will be okay and end it there, maybe talk about what they did during the break, but I mean, if you can’t do that”

“You should’ve asked Ari then”


Dax leaned onto his arm again, his mouth twitching, half way between a smile and a frown, “Look, despite what you may think about Nash, he is actually a really good guy. He’s like the older protective brother; you may even say he saved us all”

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