I Cant Hear The Voice Of Reason Anymore Chapter Fifteen

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AN: I apologise for such a late update and not updating everyday but I was busy and I had a sleepover and Prom. But anyway im going to try and update both of the stories I have on going so this one and TF&TAWFVK (I don’t promise anything.) But anyway let me know what you think ( just so you know your comments make me smile and let me know you like it which makes me want to write more so thanks!)  Enjoy Wooly xx


I walked back into the room to see that Emmy had already made a head start on the wall. The once white wall was now becoming a bright blue. “Are you going to help or just stand staring at me all day” I smiled and grabbed a paintbrush.


I scowled at Laurence as I grabbed my pyjamas out of the draw. “That was not funny Beveridge” I told him as I went to walk out. He chuckled from where he was lounging on the bed with a Kerrang. “Yeah it was your reaction was brilliant.” He placed the magazine on his lap and looked at me smiling, I tried to continue glaring at him but failed. “You’re right, it was quite funny but I’m still not happy with you it want nice.” He spread his arms for a hug. I smiled but complied. “I’m sorry Kier” he whispered in my ear, I shivered in his embrace. This man didn’t know what he did to me. I extracted myself from his arms. “Fine you’re forgiven” he smiled like a five year old. It was one of the most adorable things I’ve ever seen. “I’m going ot go get ready for bed. Movie night?” I asked him he nodded. I exited the room. As I walked back to the bathroom I passed what was now Emmy’s room to see her and Luke decorating it. I stepped into the room “Bit late to be decorating isn’t it?” they both jumped. “Yeah but we’re bored and we’re getting a headstart.”Luke told me before his brow creased “Where were you when the kitchen needed tidying?” he asked suspiciously. “Errr nowhere” I told him before hurrying off to the bathroom to get ready for bed.


 Whilst Kier was out of the room I changed and went to go and get popcorn for us. As I passed the living room The Timids were curled up watching some TV program. They looked cute with Drew resting his head on Shanes lap. “Where have Jack and Will gone?” I asked. Shane looked over at me “They went home about twenty minutes ago” I nodded and left them alone. I made the popcorn and some hot chocolate. When I walked past the living room again Shane was stroking Drew’s hair and Drew looked like he was struggling to keep his eyes open.  I opened the door to my room and saw Kier looking confused by the TV. “Whats up Kier?” he turned and looked at me. “I don’t know I put the DVD in but it wont play the screens all fuzzy.” I put down the bowl and both mugs and went over to help him. I looked at the back of the TV and DVD player to make sure it was all connected and then picked up the remote and changed it. I jumped back as music blasted through the speakers. “Yay you fixed it Laurence!” I looked at his smiling face and felt my heart skip a beat. “C’mon  lets watch this movie.” He nodded and jumped under the covers.


Me and Emmy were lying on the floor looking at the wall we’d painted. I lifted my arm and looked at my watch. It said it was just gone half twelve. I suddenly felt empty and was about to ask if Emmy was as well when I heard a loud grumble from her stomach. “Well I guess that answered my question” I laughed. Standing up I looked down at a confused Emmy. “Hungry?” she nodded. I helped her up and we made our way silently to the kitchen. As we tiptoed past the living room I saw The Timids laying next to each other with Shane cradling Drew against his chest the TV playing quietly in the background. I heard Emmy awww at the sight. I had to admit it was rather adorable. I put a finger against my lips and gently grabbed Emmy’s hand and towing her into the kitchen. “What is mademoiselle going to have this evening?” I asked draping a tea towel over my arm and putting on a posh voice. She giggled and placed a finger on her chin looking thoughtful. “I’m not sure what are today’s specials” I opened the fridge, I frowned. Nothing, it was basically empty. I turned back to her and shut the door. “It seems mademoiselle that the four other customers have either eaten or thrown all the food at each other, how about we go out?” she giggled again “Nah it’s late.” She had a sudden look in her eyes that said she’d had an idea. She reached past me. “Sir, you should realise that cereal is an accepted meal at any time of the day.”I grinned “Of course how could I forget” I winked at her and watched her blush. I grabbed two bowls and the milk. “Dig in!” I told her.


I was lying on the couch with a heavy weight on my chest. I frowned confused. Why was I asleep on the couch? I could hear quiet chattering coming from the kitchen, the hushed giggling and deep rumbling laugh telling me it was Emmy and Luke. I could also hear a woman on the TV advertising No No. I chuckled as the last time I’d woken up and this ad had been on I’d had to cancel Drew’s order for it his excuse in buying it had been “Kier needs it” I shuffled slightly trying t o get comfy which drew me back to the weight on my chest. I looked down to see Drew laying with his head on my chest, one arm underneath it the other thrown across leaving his hand dangling over the edge. I could see his eyes moving beneath his lids. He looked so peaceful. His nose twitched in his sleep and he smiled. I wanted to know what was making him smile like that in his sleep. I carefully reached over and picked up the remote turning off the TV and then sliding my body out from underneath his. I stood up and then carefully picked up Drew carrying him through to our bedroom.


Emmy was stood in the doorway  with one hand over her mouth to try and quieten her fangirl squeals. “Bed time me thinks” I told her turning off the light. She nodded and walked through “Luke, I cant really sleep in my room tonight” I stopped mid step she had a point inhaling all those paint fumes would be bad for her. “You take my bed I’ll sleep on the couch.” She shook her head vigorously “No I couldn’t do that.” I put my hand up “Nope you will I said so.” “But-““No buts its final you’ll have my room until yours is finished being decorated.” She sighed. “Fine.” And with that I showed her to my room. “I’m just gonna grab some blankets and go okay night Ems” she was sat on the edge of the bed looking lost and tired. “Ems get in all right, you looked wiped.” She nodded and slowly stood up gathering her pyjamas in her arms and went to get ready for bed. “Can you wait till I’m back please?” I nodded slightly confused at the request but did so. I walked around the room putting objects back in place and generally neatening the place up. I looked up five minutes later to see Emmy stood in the doorway with her hair tied back and her face free of the little make up she wore. She looked so much younger than eighteen. “C’mon in you get” I told her pulling back the covers. She climbed in and settled down “Thank you Luke” “It’s alright I don’t mind giving you a bed for the night” she shook her head sleepily “No I mean thank you for everything, you didn’t have to take me in you could have just left me but you didn’t so thank you” “You’re welcome, now go to sleep” she nodded by now she was almost asleep. I walked to the door and stood my hand hovering over the light switch. I clicked it off and left closing the door quietly behind me.

I Cant Hear The Voice Of Reason Anymore (Keveridge)Where stories live. Discover now