Chapter 3 ;)

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“So Avery, what happened that you called me to pick you up at 9 o’clock?” We were now at Beau’s house, in his living room. I looked at him and began speaking. “So I was out with James getting coffee, and when I came home it sounded like no one was there until I.” I paused feeling my eyes water up with tears thinking about the scene I came home to. “I heard a girl screaming out Danny’s name. So I walked down the hall and opened our door to find, find, find.” I stopped and just broke down in tears, knowing my ‘best friend’; the father of this child growing inside of me was cheating on me. Beau got up from his spot on the couch and embraced me in a hug as I cried into his chest. “Shh.” He whispered. “I understand you don’t have to talk about it” I stayed in his arms until I fell asleep. I felt myself being lifted, thinking Beau brought me to his bed or something. I slept through the night with no interruptions from the baby. I woke up to voices from downstairs. I got up from curiosity and tip-toed down the steps. I finally recognize the voices as Beau and Danny. “Come on Beau let me see her.”

“No. you broke her heart mate and to make it worse she’s pregnant with your baby. I can’t believe you did that.” I heard Beau say. “I understand I made a mistake but I apologized to her, I just need her in my life. Please Beau, please” Danny pleaded. I have heard enough. “Beau. Please let me talk to Danny.” I said from the stairs. They both shot their heads in my direction. Beau nodded and I walked down the steps carefully to face Danny. He stretched his arms out to embrace me in a hug. “I’m really sorry Aves, please forgive me.” He pleaded. I went to speak when I felt my baby kick for the first time. I gasped loudly. Danny looked down at me with full concern. “Aves. Are you okay?” I looked up at him and smiled. “The baby, he kicked.” I said with full excitement. He smiled and laughed, let go of me and set his hands on my growing bump. The baby kicked again and he smiled, overjoyed. “My baby is kicking.” He said happily. I didn’t want to kill the mood but I had to “I’m still mad at you Danny.” I said. He looked at me with a frown and moved his hands away from my bump. “Look Avery I came here to apologize for what I did. I know I apologized yesterday but I promise you that girl meant nothing to me. She was just my pleasure. I realized how much I actually needed you when I was in my bed alone with no one beside me. Without you. Avery Rose, you mean the world to me and I don’t know what I can do without you. I didn’t realize how much you meant to me until I realized you were gone. I saw you crying on my doorstep last night, I saw you get into the car with Beau last night. I saw the love of my life just walk out my front door because of a stupid mistake I made. I love you Avery Rose. I can’t live without you.” He looked at me with tears in his eyes, and I instantly felt bad. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to a seat on the couch and sat next to him. He turned to face me and I wiped his tears. “Danny, baby, I’m sorry, I understand you made a mistake, I love you so much but Danny you broke my heart, you went around and had sex with girls while your girlfriend was pregnant with your baby boy, Daniel Sahyounie, I love you with all my heart, but like I said yesterday, I need time to think, I promise you this baby will come into this world with you right next to me. You will be by my side for my next ultrasound. Danny I can’t stand this. I’m not going to be home for a while, if you need to talk or want to hang out or I need to call you I will be at James’ house. I love you Danny.” I said and gave him a kiss on the lips and a hug. “I love you too Aves.” He whispered. I let go and stand up. “Come on let’s take you home.” I say and grab his hand. “Bye Beau. Thank you.” I call out to Beau. I walk out of his house with Danny following close behind and lead him to his car. He gets in the passenger side and I get in the driver’s side. We drive in silence until he speaks. “Aves?”

“Yes, Danny?”

“When will you come back?” I sigh as we reach a red light. I look at him. “Soon, Danny, very soon.” He sighs and mutters an ‘okay’. The light turns green and I pull into his driveway. I shut off the ignition and he gets out as I get out. I walk to the door and open it. “Danny, I change my mind I’m going to stay here.” I say with a sigh following. Daniel looks at me with a smile on his face and walks towards me and embraces me in a hug. “I love you Avery.” He says into my hair and I smile into his chest. “I love you too Danny.” I say. He smiles down at me and kisses me passionately on the lips. I smile into the kiss as he laughs, just like the first time we kissed 7 months ago. We both pull away breathless. He smirks just like that day “Aves, you’re still a good kisser.” He said with a wink. “Same old Daniel huh?” He smirked and nodded. “Avery you know I will never change. Now let’s talk baby names babe” I smiled and nodded. Maybe staying isn’t a bad idea after all.

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