Chapter 6 :/

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Daniel hasn’t come back since he left the mall. James took me to his house and im currently sitting in his room with Andy. Andy is being really fussy for the first time and I think its because he knows somethings wrong. Daniel could be anywhere right now. Since I told my mom I was expecting she went crazy, literally. She has a drinking problem. She could do anything to Daniel. Im interrupted from my thoughts when James peaks his head in. “Can I come in?” He asks politely. I nod my head and he opens the door and steps in closing it behind him. “Have you heard anything James?” I ask him. He looks at me and shakes his head ‘no’. it became really quite until Andy started crying. I looked at him and sighed. I got up and started walking around trying to calm him. I stopped when I realized he was only getting louder. James gets up and stands in front of me. He looks me in the eye and takes Andy from my arms. “Shh Andy, uncle James is here to save the day.” He coos. He looks at me with a smirk as Andy started to quite down. “You’re here to save the day?” I question. “Of course” He says as he places Andy down on his bed putting pillows and blankets around his as barriers. I raise my eyebrows at him. “You’ll see. You’ll see.” He says and walks out of the room. I huff with a smile on my face and pick Andy up. I follow James to the living room to see the Brooks Brothers. They get up and Jai takes Andy, Luke hugs me and Beau well Beau was being an idiot. “Beau!” I screeched as he lifted me off the ground and spun me around. He laughed and put me down. “Just trying to get you to smile love.” He says with a smile. I smile and slap his chest. “ass“ I mutter. Jai is currently playing with Andy and Luke is watching me intently. I look at him and cock and eyebrow. He notices me looking and blushes. He pulls out his phone and starts typing. My phone vibrates in my back pocket, I pull it out to see a text from ‘Lukey Pookey’ I open it to see ‘meet me in the backyard please I have to talk to you.’ I look up to see him gone, well then. “Jai. Youre capable of watching Andy right?” I ask him as he looks up. He nods and I smile and walk towards the backyard. I open the door to see Luke casually sitting by the tree in James’ backyard. I walk over to him quietly and sit next to him. “What’s up Lukey?” I ask. “Nothing really, I just wanted to talk to you privately. I miss you Avery. We used to hang out a lot before Andy.” He said with a frown. I instantly felt my heart break, knowing ive been neglecting my best friend for 6 months. I slide closer to him and wrap my arms around his waist leaning my head on his chest. “I’m sorry Lukey, I miss you too its just a lot has been going on. Andy and the creepy person that has been threatening me.” He wraps his arms around me and presses his lips to my head. “Its okay Aves, by the way since when has that started?” He asks. “Um since we took Andy home. And Luke I think I know who the person is.” I tell him and look up at him. He looks down at me. “Who?” He questions with concern. I look at the door and say the words id never thought id say. “My mother has been threatening me.” He lets go of me. “You mean Penelope?” I nod with tears clouding my vision. “Penelope Rose, the bitch that I once called mom.” I say as a single tear escapes my eye. I bury my head into Luke’s chest and cry as his strong arms wrap around me. “ I love you Lukey Pookey.” I mutter into his chest. “I love you too Aves, to infinity and beyond.” I laugh, remembering when I said that one day at the coffee shop before I told everyone is was pregnant. 

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