Chapter 2: Footsteps In The Sand

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Coffee. Rick was in the kitchen making coffee while Kate was asleep in his bed cuddled up with a blanket. Alexis on the other hand came to visit her dad and he told her everything between him and Kate. She was not too excited but happy for her dad.

Kate's P.O.V

"Beckett you are going to get yourself killed why can't you just back off"
"I can't Castle this is my mom's case. Why do you care so much Rick?
"I love you Kate and I can't see you get hurt every time I know its your job but darn it I really can't"
"Maybe you should leave!"
"Yes I will because for 4 years I've always been there for you and I loved you from the minute I got to know you. I bring you a cup of coffee just to see your smile because I know it would make you happy"
"Castle stop ok! I remember everything from my shooting even when you said you love me but Rick this is way too much. Screw you, after everything I've been through. My mom is dead and you still have yours. You are so freaking selfish and self-centered , foolish, childish and I real pain in the A"
"You are right Kate I am all those things, I guess loving you will not change the way you feel about me.

I grabbed my gun and shot Rick in the heart and I beat him up. In the end I was full of blood everywhere.


I shot up awake and found myself in Castle's arms and I cried louder and louder. It had been a nightmare. "Rick" he kissed my head. "Baby it is all ok, look at me it was just a dream" I lowered my voice and stopped the crying.

He looked at me as I got up and kissed him then I said "I love you babe just know that forever" he kissed me back and said "Always honey"

We made our way to the kitchen and ate breakfast. Then Rick was thinking and I could see the thinking look on his beautiful face. It was so adorable and so breath taking, attractive.

"Baby would you like to go to the Hamptons with me for the day?" I smiled at him and immediately he knew the answer and swept my mind with a quick kiss.

At 3:20/15:20pm we got ready to leave for the Hamptons somehow Rick managed to get me to agree for a whole 3 day stay. I loved the way he teased me, it was kind of cute when had done so which was often.

Even when we use to be back in the precinct although we weren't together we teased each other often and Rick would also flirt with me but I tried with all my strength not to blush or flirt right back.

It was like playing with fire when I was around him but unfortunately I was snapped out of my thoughts because Rick hit my behind who was in the air as I stood with my elbows on the counter. "Don't do that Castle" I demanded as I hit him.

Rick looked so worried and I so the sorry was in his baby blue eyes. "I'm sorry I hadn't known that you do not like it, if you don't like it just tell me but don't hit my chest" I couldn't hold my laugh in, it burst out.

My stomach was aching from laughing but I stopped when I saw years strickle down Rick's cheek. Oh no! I really hurt him! I walked over to him and kissed him. He hadn't returned it but I felt the saltiness of his tears in my mouth.

"Castle babe I hadn't meant that had I really hurt you? I'm sorry" he wiped his tears and looked at me. "You made me so scared and my chest is pounding in pain.

I saw to my babe's chest it was blue, I really hurt him seriously bad. Once we were done we drove to the Hamptons and got there at 5:00/17:00pm. Rick gave me a tour of the whole place. Then we decided to take a work at the beach.

#At The Beach

We walked hand-in-hand on the beach and kissed several times as we walked along the shoreline, the beach water. I had no shoes on so Rick decided to pick me up and both of us landed in the water laughing and dripping wet.

I pointed to some rocks which was technically a building and we headed there and sat on them. I admired the view so much. Then I felt someone put a towel around my shivering body and immediately my body felt warm.

Rick and I watched the view but he left to get us both smoothies. I sat on the rocks all alone and I watched the waters. It was all so beautiful...


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