S.E: As a dad Nate would...

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Preference 123// As a dad, Nate would...

• Protect them with his life.

• Love them more than life itself.

• Spoil them with anything and everything they want.

• Teach them how to swim and ride a bike.

• Brag about them to everybody he speaks to.

• Teach them to say a prayer before bed, and be strict with manners and respect.

• Revolve his life around them and you.

• Be super supportive of them and their decisions in life.

• Take them to the studio to show them what he does.

• Have a picture of them in his wallet and as his lockscreen.

• Cook them their favourite dinner
whenever he can.

• Play games with them out in the back garden and play hide and seek on rainy days.

• Panic when he can't find them during hide and seek and declare they're never to play that game again...but would give in when he sees their cute little face/s.

• Not allow any of the guys to smoke weed in the house incase they come home.

• Have tea parties.

• Let them sleep with you and him when they have nightmares.

• Let them believe in Santa, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny for as long as they can because he doesn't want to upset them by telling them they're not real.

• Help them get ready of a morning.

• Make you teach him how to do hair.

• Have an addiction for buying clothes and toys for them when they have enough.

• Constantly remind them of how much he loves them. "I love you lil' man/lil' lady."

Tumblr// iamnateslilmama
IG// iamnateslilmama
Twitter// iamnateslilmama

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