November 12th 2011

13 0 0

      "Ashley!" Cal yelled in my face. I jumped up out of bed and screamed at his sudden outburst. "Dammit Calum!" I said getting angry. "I'm going to Michael's. Wanna come." I sighed and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. "Give me fifteen minutes." I said and shoved him out the door. Quickly I got dressed, brushed my hair, and went downstairs to eat breakfast. I heard Calum singing lines of a song I didn't recognize. I finished up, and he appeared behind me. "Ready?" He asks. "Yep!" I say and we walk to Michael's house. "So why are we going to Michael's?" I ask on the way there. "Well Michael had this awesome idea to start a band!" Calum tells me. "Really!" I say excitedly. "Yea, and I kind of came up with this song I'm going to show them." He says nervously. "I heard part of it and it sounded really good!" I say. He blushes and we arrive at Michael's house. "Ash!" Michael says and hugs me. "Ash came?" Luke says and comes to the door. "Hey!" he says and hugs me too.  "No hugs for me?" Cal says and pout. I laugh and the boys dog pile on Cal. "I heard Sir Clifford came up with an idea." I say joking around. "I have!" Michael says proudly. We talk about band stuff for hours and Calum shows us his song which is awesome. "I love it Calum!" I yell and hug him. "Thanks!" he says. We continue talking band things and I notice we've been here all day. "Damn, its getting late." I say. "Yea. Michael says. He orders pizza, we eat, and Calum and I leave somewhere around nine. I go straight to bed and pass out, still in my clothes.

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