Who's Claudia?

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Alexis wiped tears from her eyes, her cheeks aching from laughing so hard. Billie Joe clenched his chest as he gasped for air between fits of giggles. Wrapping up his story about how he met Tre, Mike imitated how the drummer swallowed half of a banana whole.

"Then he said to me," he paused to clear his throat. "You think that's impressive? You should see what happens when my tank's on low and I'm short a twenty. Then, I just so happened to look at his gas level and the needle was just above 'E'. He stared me down for a moment, and just blurts out, 'For you, no charge'."

Laughter erupted around the dinner table. The lack of oxygen the three were obtaining didn't matter. All of the barriers of first encounters melted like snowballs in summer. To Alex, this laughter was a blessed relief from her inner dialogue, conflicting her feelings. The tightness in Billie Joe's wild and confused heart loosened. Mike felt joy enter into his friend's lives, as well as his, alongside the laughter. He hoped that, when the laughter subsided, the joy would stay with them.

Their plates had already been cleared of their second helpings of steak and potatoes. Beer bottles and soda cans littered the table. Mike rose from the table, still trying to catch his breath. The other two continued to titter as he collected their plates. He peered over the kitchen isle at his best friend and cousin cracking jokes at the table. A smirk formed on his face.

It seemed like forever since he'd last saw her so...happy. He recalled her complaining about how much she hated her laugh. Every time he heard her giggling through her nose, snorting adorably, his heart melted. He listened, with a quiet smile on his face, as she explained an anecdote about the two of them being kids. Her voice still had that same childish excitement he remembered loving more than a spoonful of honey.

Not before long, the laughter and humour had settled down to casual talking. Billie Joe volunteered to help collect the bottles and cans. Mike raised his eyebrow at him. He simply grinned before carrying the trash bags to the door. Alex turned back on the TV, announcing something about a new Lifetime movie on. A piercing ring rippled from Mike's pocket, and paused the conversation. He excused himself, answering the call. Billie Joe shrugged and joined Alex on the couch, focusing on the movie.

The plot consisted of five bimbos, realizing that they've lived their lives dependent on the attention of guys. To which, Alex was not surprised. She'd went through a similar experience in her teenage years. Then, things got weird. They decided that, since they no longer wanted to rely on men, they would murder their boyfriends. She grabbed the remote to change the channel. The time stuck out to her.

"Oh god, it's later than I thought," Alex yawned.

Billie Joe glanced at the neon green numbers. The time read 10:42. He could feel the quiet lure into sleepiness. The comfort of bed beckoned him. He stood, stretching his exhausted muscles.

"I should go, I guess," he sighed, starting towards the door.

"I'll lock up behind you."

They trudged in silence to the door. He hesitated before turning the knob. The warm breeze hit them as soon as the door opened. Alex leaned on the doorway, feeling her heart drop as he walked out into the darkness. He paused for a moment. After all the fun they just had, simply walking away seemed like an injustice. He had to say something. A simple "good night" at least.

He glanced over his shoulder, "See you tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow," she assured, biting her lip as she closed the door.

Mike whispered a goodnight to her from his bedroom before closing the door. She trudged straight to her bed, not bothering to turn the TV off. Her exhaustion took over the moment she laid her head on the pillow.

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