Chapter 4

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"Goodnight." I said and closed the door. Was I about to kiss Mei? Sure I wanted her to be more than friends, but did she want to kiss back? "Having fun?" Itachi said I just glared at him. "She has only been here for 2 days and you try to kiss her." He said while smirking. "Whatever." I said while heading to my room. I just layed there on my bed. Why does just one girl make me feel this way? I asked myself.

I just smirked at the thought of us almost kissing. If it weren't for Itachi. I kept on smirking as I slowly drifted off to sleep.


I woke up and left to the kitchen for a glass of water. I looked at the time and it was 10 am. I looked around and everything was clean. I saw Mei have a trash bag and started putting the few plastic cups in the bag. I just smirked. I looked on the refrigerator. It had a note.

"Itachi, Sasuke, and Mei. Your father had to go to work and I needed to fill out some papers for Mei. Your father gave me a ride to the office. Cook or order out. I love you."


I just shrugged as I kept on watching Mei. I couldn't stop staring at her. I guess she noticed me staring and looked at me straight in the eyes. It was a staring contest. She thinks she can win a staring contest against an Uchiha? That's funny. I just stared back. I saw her eye twitch. I just smirked as she blinked and sighed in frustration. She put the bag down. "So what do you want to eat?" She asked me looking in the refrigerator.

"Ooo!! I can make blueberry muffins!!" She said in excitement as she started to take out ingredients and washed her hands. She looked in every cupboard, but couldn't find what she was looking for.

"What are you looking for?" I asked. "Flour, do you have any?" She asked me as she started to look for it again. I just sighed and got it out of the pantry. I opened it got a handful of flour and threw her some. I almost started laughing as I saw he eye's widen while there was flour on her face and hair. She just glared at me. "Fine make your own damn muffins." She muttered as she started to walk away. Wait what? I went after her and grabbed her wrist. She just smirked as she took away the flour bag and threw some at me.

I just smirked at how smart she it. "You're going to pay for that." I said in a whisper. Her eye's widened and started to run upstairs. "AHH! SASUKE! STOP!" She yelled at me while I just easily picked her up and she held onto me.

I set her down on the couch as I started to tickle her. "AHH! STOP! PLEASE!!" She begged as I tickled her even more. "Nope." I said still tickling her.


I looked up and saw Itachi just smirking at me. I realized our position. I was on top of her. I quickly got off. I saw her blush. I smirked.

The whole time she made the muffins, Itachi just smirked at me. When she went to the bathroom I snapped. "WHAT!?" I yelled a him.

"You like her don't you? He asked me still smirking. I felt blood rush to my cheeks, but I fought.

"No." I said and glared at him.

"You can lie to her, you can lie to yourself, but you can't lie to me." He said STILL smirking. I just sighed.

"I like her as a friend." I said trying to drop the subject. "But you want to be more than friends, don't you Sasuke?" He asked now with an eyebrow raised.

I just glared at him. "Hn." and I left upstairs. I just laid on my bed. 'Do I want to be more than friends?' I thought to myself. Ugh, stupid teenage hormones. I was about to go down stairs, but I heard Mei singing. My curiosity got the best of me and I found myself inside her room. She was laying down on her bed with her feet up on the wall. She had her earbuds on, I guess full blast because she didn't hear me come in. She had her eyes closed and she was singing. She had her sleeves up. I saw the cuts she had. I just sighed.

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